Looking for some photo inspiration
April 11 2024
Would anyone know of any male profiles that have really good photos?
Or couples profiles with good photos of the man?
But I'm not so much looking for good photos just because he is really attractive. Something else that makes it a great shot, like a nice pose, great outfit, great location, etc.
If you're not comfortable tagging them just leave a comment and I'll message you. I'll upgrade my account again in the next few days.
a year ago
Hm. I personally like charming face shots. Could be looking at the camera or candid shots. I’m a sucker for a charming smile. It’s always great to see a second with more neutral expression, even a bit moody/sexy can be great. I have seen some really enticing torso shots (with head!) like where they are smiling or one I saw where he was laughing towards someone who wasn’t in the picture who was splashing him with water. Like a topless fun garden shot, that was sexy. What works really well for me too is headshots where there’s like an evening sun shining into the guys eyes. Mmm! It highlights the eyes like nothing and gives them an ever so slight but very sexy squint. Yum 😊
RHP User
a year ago
Agree with the sunset background, Ive seen a few very good photos like that. There was one of a guy leaning against a wall, hands in pockets with one of his shirt tails hanging out, Casual but sexy. The other one I remember, and for good reason, was a guys pert naked butt with a females hands on his cheeks, Cheeky indeed! But a smiling face is the always appreciated,
a year ago
I know
RHP User
a year ago
I get not everyone is comfortable putting a face shot on public profile (hubby and I are like that however are comfortable to share via pm).
Best selfie pics imo? A genuine smile. There’s actually a member on here we are chatting with and his profile pic his face is side on and he has this big beaming smile like he was mid laugh when he snapped the photo. He looks like a genuine happy person just loving life.
Also I am all about the eyes. So please don’t message selfies with sunnies on. To get a little deep, eyes are the window to a person’s soul and you can tell a lot about looking at somebody’s eyes and the type of person they are.
Body wise pics I am not fussy but I personally love a man’s shoulders and upper arms.
Mrs BicolabeanOpalrose
a year ago
Personally I love seeing fishing photos. It shows they are a great catch.
Or photos posing in front of someone else’s car, especially when they try and convince you that’s their car, but you know the real owner. Shows they can have dreams.NeoAndTrin
a year ago
What are your ideas for a photo? You want to show yourself off, is there some aspect of your personality that you can do?
For example, Trin and I are geeks. We love a sci fi. Weve gotten dressed up as our namesakes and now thinking about adding it to our profile because the missus looks insane in her outfit.RHP User
a year ago
Are mine any good?
10 months ago
If you want to go for more risque images, I'd say hotel beds are your friend . Always have nice linens and lighting,just shirtless casually laying in bed type shots. Or a sheet draped some body parts 😁
If you're brave , photo taken on a balcony at night - nude - camera focused on your bum .
I've also seen some tasteful shower pics from guys on here just the upper half. Soaped up.
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