M51 F49
Looking for advise to organise a small gangbang
February 26 2025
She’s keen to try a small gangbang nervous but excited.
So far haven’t been able to arrange one with our regular.
Not into parties would prefer a small intimate gathering with 3 maybe 4 guys.
Any advise on getting this organised?
a month ago
Having done this I can tell you it is harder than you think. The best way is to organise it with men you have already met and like. Organise to meet the men first - ideally as a group. I did that at a pub, just the guys, and we all got along and the session the next day went really well. We tried contacting men online and were ghosted and even men trying to organise a 1:1 meet with her. It’s exhausting dealing with the idiots out there. Although you say you don’t want to go to a party (or a club?) that can work well and you are in a controlled safe environment.
a month ago
The Playpen in Melbourne can organise. Not sure where you’re located.
a month ago
Good advice from friendseeker ,unless you know a group of guys you know and like ,ts going to be hard work to get it right and safe for your partner , id suggest a couple of nights to somewhere where you don’t have to play or dress down but can just socialise,and try to find some guys together ,if in Melb ;the wine bar would he good for that
21 days ago
Allow plenty of time to get ur guys. Hipefully you know a few already. Any potentials guys your wanting, you should meet first to see if they actually turn up. Once youve got the guys you want. Book a hotel room (choose one they can go straight to the room, rather than need to goto reception or you need to get them into the lift) get them to chip in with costs and have them pre pay before the event (this stops the last minute cancel guys)
Give the guys all the rules before the event - such as bareback or not, anal, where to cum, use of toys, etc etc
Relax and have fun 😈
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