M39 F46
Likes vs Favourites...
June 19 2021
We’re wondering what the difference between likes and fav’s are? We are guests atm, we can see who has fav’d us but not who likes us. There are a heap more likes than fav’s so just wondering is liking seen as more of a superfluous gesture, as in likes on fb.
How do y’all treat each one and which/why do you use... if any?
Thanks guys!!!
RHP User
4 years ago
In our experience views, likes, fav's and friend requests should all be taken with a pinch of salt. Just because a profile has a curiosity about you it doesn't mean they're keen to meet.
RHP User
4 years ago
I'm not sure if it is still this way but I think you know when you're on someone's like list and you don't know when you're on their favourites list.
4 years ago
With the previous version if someone fav someone then if they commented on a post or changed profile pics etc it popped up with notifications. Not sure if it still works the same way. If someone likes us and is a guest we take that as they would like us to message them.
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