Ladies Nights.....

October 16 2021

About 8 years ago one of the local clubs used to run ladies nights. A girl bi friendly event for the ladies, both single and partnered. I was amazing. Fun, friendly open and was a great way to meet and greet without pressure.

I would seriously LOVE to meet, greet and potentially play with other women in a safe and social space. Is this something that interests you?

I am Brisbane based and happy to organise as well as assist others in other cities when possible.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Yeah we had that a few yrs agoat a club in Bris called Obsession. But that venue is gone now. You could ask the swingers venues to consider a womens only play party. But they put $$ first and the money is in couples and single males at events. But no harm in asking them. Maybe doing a ladies meet & greet event would gauge interest in something being put on for the girlies 😁

  • MissyT


    3 years ago

    We had a fabulous ladies event pre-COVID and we were about to have our second and then, yanno, COVID. That said, it was a great lead-up, group and connection.

  • Bi_Fem


    3 years ago

    Definitely interests me NextSteps, although Im in Sydney.

    Pre covid one of the clubs had semi regular "ladies nights". There are also a few smaller groups who were/are trying to organise meet and greets.

  • ReyandJean


    3 years ago

    There were getting to be regular ladies nights in Melb pre covid. They were very well attended, so the $$ are there.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I would love to come along to something like this, it is exactly what I am looking for!

  • SugarSugar69


    3 years ago

    I know this is an old post but I'm definitely keen