Keen to go to the Newbie events in OSS in sydney but nervous to go alone
July 30 2024
RHP User
6 months ago
As a single man you need to have a female partner. And stay together for the evening. I’ve been to oss with a female partner. It’s well run. And lovely couples there. So focus on finding a woman who will enjoy going with you as your partner
6 months ago
I (Mrs) play solo when travelling. Overseas I've found it's common practice for guys to pay the entry fee to pair up with a single lady to clubs or parties.
It's an arrangement that works well and when I have done it I really enjoyed having the company...gazpacho
5 months ago
What’s the worse thing that can happen? You meet some people with something in common?
Go, be yourself. No expectations lead to no disappointment . You’ll be fine
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