Is my wife like bbc
July 13 2018
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
7 years ago
I’m concerned with your chemistry knowledge 😂😂
- Posted from rhpmobileSandeGiny
7 years ago
Be sure to live stream Facebook with all goes down. You may need witnesses.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
RHP User
7 years ago
The topic makes me wanna see a photo of her to see just how alike a BBC she really is 😂😂
- Posted from rhpmobileMischeviouslad
7 years ago
Sorry to say..... yes, she loves it. She’s mad for the stuff
But it doesn’t stop there
Pool toys, kitchen implements, garden furniture, musical instruments.... sporting goods..... if she can shove it in, it’s going in
Where this leaves you my friend, I can’t say for sure. But if you can sit her down over a nice romantic KFC dinner long enough without her trying to insert any of the Colonels finest you just may have a chance
But if she goes, at least you can lick her fingers afterwards
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
Let her enjoy it and you watch and then clean her up
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
Creeps back out, closing the door quietly behind her... Peachy
5 years ago
She is just telling you she doesn't like bbc 🤣, so she can get it more when your not around
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