Is BLOCK the way to end a friendly conversation?
June 28 2021
I was completely open and honest about our newbie status from the beginning of the conversation & as noted on our bio. He was well aware of it.
At the end, he wished us well in our new journey, and said they've done the newbie thing before, it's not something they're after now. BLOCK.
WTF - BLOCK isn't how you end a friendly, open, real conversation. Or is that how it's done here on RHP?
- Alex.
RHP User
4 years ago
It’s merely a ‘them’ response….it’s how they do it…
4 years ago
Oh my God that’s so short sighted! Even if they don’t like playing with newbies to the scene, what happens in a year’s time when you’re not so new? We use the block button all the time, but never for that! It’s a weird world, we’ve seen how you guys interact online, just keep doing what you’re doing! Online can be soul crushing grind at times 😳
4 years ago
Don't worry mate, they just filtered themselves out 🙂
4 years ago
You’d hope that people aren’t that rude in person but there’s no need for it. I’m glad that they take themselves out of my vision though as I have better people to find and don’t need to be wasting time :)
RHP User
4 years ago
If they are willing to block you, my view is they are probably a head case that you don't have to deal with yes it's frustrating but you're better off.
4 years ago
I think people use the block function because of the experience that even people who have seemed lovely and nice suddenly turned aggressive when they didn't want to continue any further conversation, for any reason. That might be all.
4 years ago
Alex sorry that the conversation that started out so positively ended so abruptly. Being on RHP you will encounter many different types of people . It takes all types to make up this wonderful world of ours . Some people will sadly be rude , others not transparent etc etc From our experience, you quickly dust yourself off and move on .
On chat no one is obliged to give you a reason for ceasing chat . He ( they ) gave you a reason . As you explained he knew that from the onset of chat. If someone does give you a reason, it may not be the actual real reason. Lots of conversations start out on a positive note and for whatever reason we or they decide we aren’t a good fit . Or in our case , I ( F) am the one doing the chats . For whatever reason , my husband may say , it’s a no from him . I immediately cease chat .
Blocking you may seem harsh but people negotiate this site as they deem fit .
Good luck on starting out on this wonderful journey . I’m sure the right people will be worth the wait . AxRHP User
4 years ago
Strange they blocked. Could be when he ran through the conversation with his partner it was a hard no... Or they suspected a fake profile. We're very wary of unverified or guest profiles.
4 years ago
What they've done is a blessing in disguise. They've given someone else the opportunity to make you happy. Until tell then, now is the opportunity to better the fuck out of yourselves and enjoy your time on here.
Ms FoxyEll_uno
4 years ago
I view it in a different that is in two sides …first one being if one can’t handle the truth of whatever you are saying and in the middle of convo they get emotional then they block you that’s IMMATURITY at it’s best coz they can’t handle the truth. But the second one if one is constantly nagging and persistent and can’t understand the word NO or backoff then i’ma block your persistent ass period it’s justified in my view.
4 years ago
Damn...... Queensland! We would definitely not block you! Dont take it too personally. Unfortunately on this site there is no other option to filter out people you've rejected or who have rejected you. I like the 'Ignore' button on another site because that still makes you visible to them but they cant contact you. I find it difficult sometimes to work out whether I have chatted to someone after I have deleted their messages. Or, on the other hand they just could be arseholes! Keep soldiering on <3
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