I am skeptical about .... Part 1 reached word limit

February 16 2024

Governments, 99% of politicians, world leaders, banks, and big corporations.

The Government Can - LIVE - Tim Hawkins -- The song is to the tune of The Candy Man Can.

timehawkinscomedy - YouTube Nov 24, 2011  

(Hey everybody! Gather 'round! I'm here to give you
anything you like! You want free college, energy,
mortgages?! Whatever you like! You have come to the
right place! Why? I'll tell you why!)

Who can take your money? (Who can take your money?)
With a twinkle in their eye? (A twinkle in
Take it all away and
Give it to some other guy

The Government (the Government)
The Government can! (The Government can!)

Who can tax the Sun rise? (Who can tax the Sun
Who can tax the trees? (Who can tax the trees?)
Let you run a business and
Collect up all the fees
The Government
The Government can


The Government can 'cause
They mix it up with lies and
Make it all taste good! (Make it all taste good!)

The Government takes
Everything we make
To pay for all of their "solutions"
Healthcare, Climate Change, Pollution

Who can give a bailout? (Who can give a bailout?)
Tell us to behave? (Tell us to behave?)
Make the Founding Fathers
Roll over in their graves
The Government
The Government can
(Throw away the Constitution)


The Government takes
Everything we make
They're power hungry
And malicious

The economics are fictitious
Soon we'll have to eat our dishes
Mmm! Delicious!

Who can be a failure? (Who can be a failure?)
In so many ways? (In so many ways?)
Instead of getting fired, HEY!
We'll give ourselves a raise!
The Government
The Government can


The Government can 'cause
They mix it up with lies and
Make it all taste good! (Make it all taste good!)
And your Uncle Sam can 'cause
He mixes it with lies and
Makes it all taste good! (Makes it all taste good!)

And I feel so good
Because the Government
Says I should! Oh!...


  • Rubyt25


    a year ago

    Part 2

    I have been skeptical about our Federal government and the Victorin government for years, and after observing what began in 2020 here and worldwide and the division it created, I am now a complete skeptic.

    I'd like to believe that some politicians are truly authentic and transparent concerning the people of Australia, but it's hard to tell as so many of them lie, and what comes out of their mouths is a load of convenient bullshit. In regards to March 2020, my choice when voting has completely changed. I never imagined I would experience such a shift, my distrust of those who represent the people of this nation may never be reversed.

    Tim Hawkins song/lyrics are 100% spot on and still relevant in current times worldwide, nothing has changed since he wrote those lyrics.

    What are you skeptical about?

  • NeoAndTrin


    a year ago

    You havent been truly fucked until you've been fucked by the government

  • PerthVixen


    a year ago

    Although coded, what you’ve proposed in this forum post, is a topic that is deeply misunderstood and has been hijacked by truly cruel individuals who made an eye-watering amount of money out of the tragedy. Laying the ‘blame’ on government representatives, either employed or elected, is an oversimplification of how everything took place - chronologically and scientifically.

    I initially blanched and then became truly heartbroken at the number of intelligent people I knew/know, who were advocates for humanity, integrity, science and transparency BEFORE ‘your topic of discussion’ ripped through all our lives. Many of them were fans of Bill Maher, Joe Rogan and Russell Brand . . . all men of (initially) comedy. But men who all started to lick at the boots of Capitalism, and did 180* flips, during ‘your topic of discussion’.

    If you are a YouTube aficionado then check out, “Russell Brand And The Conspiracy Grift” by Media Matters. It shows how a once stringent advocate for homeless people, empathy for drug addiction, anti-capitalism, climate change, renewable energy, etc, etc, etc, and who was OPENLY vilified and HATED by Fox ‘News’, Ben Shapiro, etc, etc, etc . . . . is now the utter DARLING of all these openly hateful people and media funnels.

    The video by Media Matters is an EXCELLENT way to come to grips with how money generated specifically by the 1%, was more of a contributing factor to misinformation which permanently altered the thought patterns of previously intelligent and empathetic people. And who repeatedly laid the blame on opposing government reps worldwide.

    Because once people ‘see’ these POV in their ‘feed’, the “algorithm” ensures that they see ONLY that same narrative and pov. And unless they conscientiously acknowledge that it makes them uncomfortable enough that they need to challenge their own new/current views . . . and ACTION steps to look for opposite viewpoints . . . they will only travel deeper and deeper into that toxic sinkhole.

    Don’t get me wrong, the current situation that is today seeing an unspeakable and entirely preventable historical atrocity taking place, deliberately hidden from the majority of people and unacknowledged by our own government, is proof of just how disgraceful so many politicians have become. I have no problem agreeing that decision making by a vast majority of “Yes men” in our federal governmental halls, is at the detriment of humanity, history and the planet. And goes against the vast majority of those who voted them into these positions of power.

    George Carlin pointed out that historically . . .

    "The difference between left and right of center...originated in the French parliament. The people left of center were liberals; the people right of center were conservatives. Broadly speaking. And generally speaking, people on...the right of center, are interested in property values, property, property rights. The rights and the rights of property. And generally speaking again – it's all generalized – the left-of-center people are more concerned with humans and human beings and human concerns; to the care of humans, not the care and worry about property rights.

    "I don't think we should be governing ourselves. What we need is a king, and every now and then if the king’s not doing a good job, we kill him."

    George died in 2008, yet his observations are tragically accurate to this day.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    When the govt kowtows to the holders of the purse strings, breaches their own legislation, utilises resources as weapons (cops, teachers, doctors, defence etc) I’m out. Those are weapons of mass destruction.
    Water. Swapped my retirement dream from beach to water. Got a spring 🩵 Watch The Big Short, too easy.
    I certainly don’t have your level of intelligence Lullah, but I’m instinctive and savvy enough to heed warnings and contemplate outcomes. We’re on a good plane.
    I believe it’s called critical thinking?… 🙂💖

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I have no idea who this guy is but found out it was written in 2011. So this comes late in the world of the government can which has been up and about for bloody centuries.

    Meh can I trust the government? well no I can't and I haven't since I was in my teens, well before this song. I was influenced heavily by what the world terms "hippies" as a child growing up out bush.

    The problem we have and I speak of this country only as I do not live anywhere else so I cannot comment from a point of view of understanding what goes on elsewhere. But here things will never be black and white as our system does not allow for it. Syphoning votes via a two party preferred system is not democracy it is democratic dictatorship.

    I was once told you can make a difference but that was school lies. I have seen some good people enter the world of politics and come out the other end shattered. As an individual you can achieve nothing and going in to it if you have some great ideas that will help, you will happily find the system knows exactly how to stifle that as that would allow the country to thrive. Thriving country in all ways means no profit, no power etc. to them. It is sadly as it always has been throughout the world for a very long time.

    And I much prefer harsh song to comedy

  • Lostyanumber


    a year ago

    If you read 'Power without Glory ' by Frank Hardy, you will get an insight into the depth and history of corrupted governments in Australia.

  • Dann_May


    a year ago

    Watch "The Lost Century and How to Reclaim it" Dr Steven Greer. This is the first step that needs to happen if humanity has any chance of surviving and taking back control from Deep State organisations that actually control your government's.

  • nightingale8


    a year ago

    Another good read from was The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Emerita Professor Shoshana Zuboff. For me it was a pretty eye opening historical analysis and identification of a new type of economy that trades in people’s futures. Think of a way scaled up version of the movie Minority Report. The craziest part for me was that it’s all happened in my adulthood.

    The book made my brain hurt, just saying, but definitely worth the effort for the details. Otherwise I recommend checking out her interviews.

  • littleravenlady


    a year ago

    110% 👏

  • Rubyt25

  • Rubyt25

  • Rubyt25


    3 months ago

    Absofuckinglutely 🎯

  • Rubyt25


    3 months ago

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  • Rubyt25


    3 months ago

    Awesome quote from Punter's Politics --- 'Power To The Punters!'

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