M60 F39
How to reinvigorate a stale relationship ??????
December 14 2024
3 months ago
Okay so I have no experience in this situation. But if I were in that situation. I think I would try and turn back time. Think about when you first met and what it was that excited you back then. Attempt to switch yourselves off in the mind and revisit some dates. Just catch ups, chats and coffee. Abstain from the sexual side for a bit and see if you cannot find that thing that sparked your thoughts and excited your loins all those years ago. I wish you all the best in finding that elusive excitement again
3 months ago
Good on you for reaching out in a public forum. It’s difficult to be able to pinpoint any specifics with so little information. We are nearly 10 years in together and share a similar age gap to you so hope we might impart some helpful ideas.
Sexually we come from different poles and this had had its challenges but overall I feel makes things exciting. We have had our ups and downs for different reasons but our sex life and desire for each other is stronger than ever.
I think we do a great job of communicating our strengths, fears and failings to each other and this keeps us connected.
We still have young kids but we take a night a week to really focus on just us and fit in as much other play as we can. There’s times one or both of us are too stressed, tired or down to really enjoy each other and the other person always instantly feels it’s their fault but we talk about it so these negative feelings don’t fester.
We have also readjusted how we explore this naughty world and now do a better job of it.
If you’re both up to it, it would help to hear from both of you about why you feel things are going this way. Happy to air it out in public or drop us a private message as we are always happy to engage with authentic people xxxRHP User
3 months ago
Talk and be totally honest and vulnerable. Be ready to lose to win.
Or hope for a silver bullet to appear magically.Andrea_Sydney
3 months ago
Good on you for reaching out!
I can highly recommend the books “Come as you are” by Emily Nagowsky and “Mating in Captivity” by Esther Perel.
Both are books that complement each other, they have different info. And both give you these moments of “oh yeah of course!!” and also stuff that hasn’t been considered before.
All the best to you two!Sextherapy
2 months ago
Your relationship sounds superficial. You are not honest with each other. You’re afraid of their reactions. Sit down together and be totally honest about everything. Expose yourselves and things will change. 
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