How to get more messages.
May 07 2023
Are you frustrated with the lack of messages that you receive on this platform?
Do you wake up every morning and eagerly log on, only to find that your inbox is as empty as a political party’s commitment to a pre-election core promise?
Do you fervently yearn to see that little symbol appear on your message inbox icon, only to find yourself continually disappointed despite all your efforts, and your self esteem dropping as a consequence?
Yes? …. Then perhaps you should do what I do, and soon your inbox will be as chocka as the present ABC’s news coverage of anything remotely woke or left wing.
My secret to this incredible surge in my Pie messages?
Well! … Recently I decided to move all my online communication to the Pie, and I mean ALL of it.
As a result, if anyone wants to get in touch with me, or remind me to pay for things, or try to sell me stuff, or otherwise contact me for any reason… they now have to do it via RHP messaging.
No more emails, letters, or phone calls, just oodles and oodles of lovely private messages in my Pie Box!
Of course, some Financial Institutions , Government Departments, and various other individuals did take umbrage to this requirement at first (sorry Mum!), but after a while they got used to it, and now I believe they quite enjoy this new mode of communication.
And yes, this DID require them all to set up their own RHP profiles, which took some effort on their end, and the resultant profiles were a pretty mixed bag in terms of attractiveness I must say, but the upside for them is that no doubt they will also enjoying the experience and attention from fellow RHP members as well (particularly if their profiles are female).
Who knows, they may also be able to drum up some new Clients in the process, and meanwhile I get the warm fuzzy and extremely empowering benefit of having a shit load of messages in my inbox to ignore. .
I reckon it’s a win/win for all concerned.
Xx Obi1
2 years ago
Bahahaha this made me laugh!
Brilliant as always 😂😉RHP User
2 years ago
You’re an ideas man
2 years ago
It’s quite funny to see the profile names that all these Govt Department have now had to create in order to communicate with me.
For instance I know if it’s the ATO because I see “BendUover123” pop up in my inbox.
“Fleece_ya_sidewaze” is my bank of course, and the Department of Transport have a great profile called “DoggyAction69” (I always enjoy getting messages from THEM!).
2 years ago
Are you hiding from the tax department?
That's one message that even on the pie wont get you hard...😂
2 years ago
If you get a message from Parliment House, it won't matter because we're all fucked!
The ATO might call your tatic, Self-depreciating.
You'll have to tell them about your assets. Are they temporarily or permanently restricted?
Technically, having sex with a person from this site would be a charitable gift.
As for the ATO profile name, let's just call it a loophole.
As for some profile names here, let's just say a little taxing on the brain.
Ms FoxyObi1kenietzsche
2 years ago
The ATO’s profile is crap.
They didn’t fill in all the sections correctly (which is quite ironic), so I kept ignoring their messages. Eventually I had to send them a fine.MsSuperFoxy
2 years ago
If you see RHPConjunctivitis101
It's just the Optometrists.
Now, that's a site for sore eyes.
Ms Foxy 🤣🤪ElectricDreamers
2 years ago
We get a lot of junk mail here already 😛
2 years ago
You forum-ite’s are such a funny and interesting bunch of characters!
2 years ago
Are you frustrated with the lack of messages that you receive on this platform?
Well Obi, for me at the ripe old age of 104.....KarlRHP
2 years ago
This is gold !!!! 🤣🤣🤣
2 years ago
Oh how I miss you OB1 xx
2 years ago
Not gonna lie, You had us in the first half...
2 years ago
It’s been so long since I’ve ventured in the forums so decided to take a peek today and this is the first thing I saw.
Made my day! Thank you Obi1! I’ve missed reading your light hearted posts! 💕RHP User
a year ago
Took me a while to get it, effing hilarious nonetheless!
a year ago
Yeah bro you are not alone this site is utter crap you get more action on a old dating app like Eharmony
a year ago
Not gonna lie, you had us in the first half. lol
a year ago
Great advice, thank you.
I've just informed my local priest to setup an account on RHP so he can inform me when I can repent for all my sinsHairyToolBelt
a year ago
haa Cobber. Thanks for writing this, as it has made me smile :)
Do you perform paid requests to write humorous profile bios...? ;)LeeHarden
a year ago
Any advice on how to get noticed here?
9 months ago
Oh Obi, I've missed your posts. I haven't ventured into the forums for a very long time. With caution, I tiptoed in here to take a very timid peek and saw this. You have truly brightened my day (and you're forgiven for not knowing who the hell I am as I've deleted and created many profiles since I last frolicked in the forums). Thank you for brightening my day!
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