How to get an orgasm back

May 12 2022

So I can’t orgasm it literally feels like nothing when my what would have been my orgasm happens it’s literally just contactions. I used to feel intense feelings or tingling now nothing. And it’s definitely the orgasm but still just not a very strong one not even oral helps I don’t have a sexual partner but from hooks ups. I only started having sex 3 months ago but have had a few experiences but not a great orgasm. I haven’t drank enough water lately and it’s Ben this way for years I had a couple good ones a few years ago but that was when I was off the pill but I don’t wanna stop taking the pill


  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    Go see your Gynaecologist

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I am sure that you will now be innundated with offers from men claiming that they will give you your orgasm back!!!

  • Ex007


    3 years ago

    ☝️🏽 also do pelvic floor exercises, find a good pilates instructor also kundalini Yoga could be of benefit.

  • Sawadee


    3 years ago

    When this happens it can be a mental thing.. The more you focus on the intensity of the orgasm' and it doesnt happen ' the more real it becomes in your mind.. l know this is a simple answer , but try not to worry and concentrate on the feeling alone.. Dont worry if it doesnt return as quick as you might like.. roll with it and enjoy whats happening.. Over thinking can sometimes be culprit...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I noticed some medicine can have this reaction, anti depression medication in particular and anti anxiety medication also.

    It sounds like you need to find a partner you feel comfortable with mentally as well as physically. Oral will help things along but you have to be relaxed and the know what they are doing.

    Hope this helps but if it continues I'd speak with a doctor.

  • 2EssesExploring


    3 years ago

    Can be multi faceted and include mental and physical components. The pill can definitely affect some people too.
    Of course it could be that you just were not into the hook ups as much as you wanted to be?
    Has the ability/intensity of you being able to bring yourself to orgasm changed?
    I’d start with sawadee’s advice and just relax and explore but if you can’t then seeking some professional advice is always a good move.

  • teamaj2


    3 years ago

    I think all of the above advice is sound and I totally agree . Medications , life stresses, over thinking it - will it happen ? Won’t it ? , being with someone new sometimes prevents you from relaxing totally. Getting a check up from a doctor firstly then maybe a gynaecologist is a great idea .
    I’m a great believer in self pleasure. By allowing yourself to explore what makes you aroused. Starting with whatever makes you relaxed and in the mood . Be it candles , a warm bath , watching or listening to something erotic .
    I love my wand . It’s wonderful for self pleasure . So I personally think investing money in a good quality toy is money well spent . Knowing your own body is important to allow that to flow through to your interactions with others .
    Good luck . Ax

  • nightingale8


    3 years ago

    The pill can do crazy things so trust yourself on that. If you think the pill has something to do with it you can always explore other contraceptive options or different types of the pill.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    It might be worth searching the Triple J podcasts. I have definitely and recently heard something about orgasms and the people who don't/never have them.
    It's a possibility that the pursuit of the big O is actually a barrier to finding it.

  • Hiluxman1


    3 years ago

    Ive watched a ted talk again comes down to the individual that showed the pill changing neural pathways and reduces libido and sexual function. The study was reporting limited sexual function- orgasam. Can be controversial but ive heard ladies going from normal sex lives and the pill all be it safe dimishing sexual desire. Just a thought

  • Jiada


    3 years ago

    one other thing is I got a Christina piercing. I have and LOVE IT so much more sensitivity! You could also get a hood piercing. But I think as well the other comments are correct, it could me mental or do go see a Gyno, but thought i might add another option

  • EarthQueen


    3 years ago

    Although hookups can be fun they are usually not reliably the best sex you will have. You might find with a regular partner who you care about and trust you can feel more relaxed and enjoy sex more. and you may have better orgasms. Also you can explore more of what you like together and the other person can get better at knowing what you like. When I was single and having hook ups to start with it was great but after a while my sex drive died and I no longer wanted them. It was kind of like fast food. Gave me a quick rush but then left me feeling empty. I thought there was something wrong with me but I realised I just crave connection. Hookups didn't give me that. Also the pill definitely lowered my libido so it could affect your orgasms as well. I also find it hard cum if I'm anxious or distracted tired or worried. There are lots of things that can affect your orgasm and its pretty normal. You could try a mirena which has a lower dose of hormones but that's best talked about with your doctor.

  • scioriof15


    3 years ago

    interesting information

  • meeonly


    3 years ago

    You will find 100 married men who tell you that he is Superman who fulfills orgasmic wishes.. and his wife on another site complains that her husband does not achieve orgasm for her.. and orgasm is not a restaurant or a prepaid is a desire that stirs feelings after orgasm..if there is no desire then there is no point in anything

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Lucky you. Ive never experienced one at all. 🥲