How to break into the hotwifing game as a single guy?
August 15 2019
Im just another single average to fit guy looking to get into the hotwife scene. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for meeting hotwifes on and outside RHP.
Thanks 😁
- Posted from rhpmobile
6 years ago
You have to trawl through profiles to find them, then send a respectable message with your spiel, have your photos open and hope that someone finds you attractive to them. Bit like normal hookups in here but with an increase of odds of 50,000 to 1
RHP User
6 years ago
In other words, Annie is trying to say you dont have much of a chance.
Edit - Softcpl, any further antagonising will have you banned from posting again.DynamicCouple36
6 years ago
Would it not be easier for you to simply get a girlfriend, for starters? Or do you prefer to only have sex with someone else’s wife ?SpicyKale
6 years ago
Softcpl, I'm assuming you fucked up your pronouns there 😳
6 years ago
At least in this scene, finding someone's wife is quite easy, compared to finding a girlfriend, in any scene :p Playing separately with one though is of course different (much rarer), see below...
OP, I assume you mean you are looking for a hot wife that plays apart, otherwise if they are (always) together you are just seeing a couple? Maybe searching by the listed play arrangements might help but I'm not sure. In any case most profiles will say whether they play apart, and many have single (married) female profiles too, for the purpose of playing separately. However consider that you may likely meet the male half at some stage too, so you will have to be communicative and respectful to both if that happens.SpicyKale
6 years ago
Freaky_Fun there's definitely some underlying issues. Guessed a lecture on gender politics might have gone over their heads. We're surprised with their track record they haven't had a lifetime forum ban yet.
6 years ago
Quoting 'SpicyKale'
Softcpl, I'm assuming you fucked up your pronouns there 😳
Perhaps just copying what the mods have told himRHP User
6 years ago
“ I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for meeting hotwifes on and outside RHP. “
Outside RHP, you can go to events. And once you are there it’s up your charm and attitude and bit of luck.
As for meeting online, here, well, keep in mind hotwife or not, all women are different. There is no one-size-fits-all clue.
My other half is attracted to dark skinned, tall, rather hairy and overly masculine men that can easily grab her with one arm and carry her to bed on shoulder.
Whereas I know some of the women here will only date those of Anglo-Saxon background and hairless/waxed body.
And again, some people won’t be interested in chit-chat and want to go straight into sex but lot of hotwives appreciate an articulate and charismatic man that can seduce their minds.
Best advice is to improve yourself exponentially; read, ask questions, build on your originality and find out how you can impress someone you like.
I know I make it sound rather easy, to be honest it’s been long time I didn’t message or chase after anyone after I met my current partner, love made me lazy I guess. So I wouldn’t be the lucky guy I was few years back. There are lot more people on these apps too.
I got introduced into alternative lifestyles when I was working as a security, after a very relaxed couple asked me out, to my surprise. That was years and years ago. From there it took off, ironically I ended up on the other side of the fence after my partner found me and decided my days of being the third guy was over, which I wholeheartedly agreed as intimate, unprotected safe sex with life companion sounded far more attractive idea than going out and seducing someone new every now and then.
You want to do this when you are younger, when it’s still a taboo and uncharted territory.
It was fun while it lasted but I admit I didn’t do what I did with my charm or charisma, probably, for the most part it was luck.
Being at the right place at the right time, and being different with looks and background etc
Being active in the scene, going to events, making friends with right people helps.DynamicCouple36
6 years ago
“At least in this scene, finding someone's wife is quite easy, compared to finding a girlfriend”
Which is why this site has such a high ratio of males compared to females. The same at some swingers clubs.
It is the perception, by many males, that the females on here are much “easier” to get into bed. And that the males chances of getting laid are thus much higher.
The females on here are the attraction (bait) that keeps the ratios as skewed as much as they are.
Why do male meerkats flock to the nude beach? Would they go to the nude beach if there were no females ? Are the females (and the hope of a poke & a grope ) the main attraction ?DynamicCouple36
6 years ago
Perhaps they are simply opportunists ?
You know, like seagulls swooping down on a plate of hot chips ? :)sweetnsensual72
6 years ago
There is a button on the APP that allows you to instantly be granted access to the hoyeife events. I’m surprised more guys haven’t used this function yet?
It bypasses having to talk or make any effort in getting to know someone.
Even shows you the ones that host taking any effort out of the equation for single guysMask_007
6 years ago
Hi OP.
I agree with MaenadandCentaur just post. Really take that in consideration. And best of luck.RHP User
6 years ago
A man cant even say what he thinks these days.
Beacause of people worrying about upsetting the bloody minority.SpicyKale
6 years ago
Softcpl, just curious what you mean by minority? Do you mean the non monogamous community we're all part of, or the lgbtqia community that Mrs Softcpl is part of?
6 years ago
She / they ' will find you ? , not the other way around. Unless you have brad pit looks and a silky smooth tongue . It's the way it will always be.
6 years ago
What is this button on the app you are talking about?
My preference for a hotwife or a hotwofe couple over a single woman, is due to the fact that i find that whole scenario more interesting and arousing. Its something thats always fascinated meRHP User
6 years ago
Quoting 'Mr_Celtic91'
What is this button on the app you are talking about?
My preference for a hotwife or a hotwofe couple over a single woman, is due to the fact that i find that whole scenario more interesting and arousing. Its something thats always fascinated me
You gotta upgrade to platinum to get access to the hotwife buttonAnnieWhichway
6 years ago
Quoting 'softcpl'
A man cant even say what he thinks these days.
Beacause of people worrying about upsetting the bloody minority.
You are so not a man.A man is in charge of his feelings, respect and all others around him.A man does not feel threatened by those that are different but embrace the individuality of each So that he may learn and improve himself.Rather you are just a mere male stuck in a modern world as a bogancountrytouch82
6 years ago
I think you've misread where I was coming from. My comment was more along the lines of, if this man can be asked to find a girlfriend instead of someone else's wife, why can't it be asked of a hotwife why she just doesn't just have sex with her husband instead? I'm sure you realise the fascination and turn on yourselves from a single man's point of view, as you have invited them yourselves. Also, he wouldn't be single if he happened to find or have a girlfriend, and would be not available or less likely to be available for the same situation, or at least it would be a completely different situation with two couples instead.
Yes, sexual connections are easier on a site like this, and because of the predominance of couples looking to have sex with others, it is more likely for a single to be with a couple or wife. A girlfriend on the other hand can be a lifelong search. You can still be with hot wives and in the process of looking for a girlfriend too. Personally I'm not a fan of celibacy in the meantime lol.
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