How many people use cock cages in a cuckold relationship?

May 04 2019

I’ve been completely fascinated with them recently, though it seems that it’s an almost uniquely American obsession.

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • thecatsmeowaus


    6 years ago

    We don’t. But my partner and I do more Hotwifing than cuckolding I suppose in the truest sense.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I love being Cockolded

  • Gbahcouple


    5 years ago

    We do... both a spiked cage and non spiked - both cause problems going through the metal detectors at the airport though...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Yes we love them

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    We’ve had some fun with them.
    For us it’s about the correct fit and finding it is expensive. Too loose and they cause Cucky trouble with the usual night erections when he dreams about my encounters, lol! Too tight and it’s unbearable. Custom is best but the measurements have to be done over a few weeks to find the correct size. I’ve got to point that I prefer him without one as it’s more trusting. If I have to cage Cucky then I can’t trust that he isn’t being disgusting and playing with his sissy little bits unsupervised!
    If you hotwives can’t trust your Cucky and have to lock it away give the key to a friend, current Bull or your LTR BF. Super glue is also your friend. It won’t take long before Cucky becomes much more trusting ;)
    Have fun out there you kinky lot!

    Jo X

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    We use them