How many hotwives have become pregnant in the lifestyle

July 16 2013

How many hotwives have become pregnant in the lifestyle, and continued the full pregnancy, or are there any couples that actually want to do this?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    I make sure this doesn't happen, having 2 out of 3 kids unplanned with my husband, I'm as safe as could possibly be. I'm wondering what brought you to this question?minx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    But I m making sure I don't become the first lol- Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    that thought of my wife becoming pregnant from another man is very hot and exciting.... i have 3 daughters, i would like a son... if i had a son already with my genes, then i would love the next child to be from a lover... how hot!! BUT... i have 3 already.. thats enough..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Our naughty lover blew in me- Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    I am a cuckold and have been most of my marrage how do I know this because I would beat off thinking about my wife with other guys not about me f... other girls,, So over the years I would encourage Deb to f... her then lover bareback when she was not on birth control. I would be so turned on hopeing she would get preganat, I would use a condom till her next period she never did get preganat.. what we would do was she would stop taking the pill after her period till the next and meet up with guys for sex the risk was small but still powerful. and if she had sex with a black guy at this world would rock x10..only happened once but was so gooodddddd

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'coops14' that thought of my wife becoming pregnant from another man is very hot and exciting.... i have 3 daughters, i would like a son... if i had a son already with my genes, then i would love the next child to be from a lover... how hot!! BUT... i have 3 already.. thats enough.. And you claim others are "all fucked" ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    two answers that i did not expect at all! I never would have thought that would be a fantasy for some men to have their wife pregnant to another....what a weird and wonderful world we live in!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'ding26' two answers that i did not expect at all! I never would have thought that would be a fantasy for some men to have their wife pregnant to another....what a weird and wonderful world we live in! I second that notion ^

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Around 6 years ago I was part of a threesome, All sex was bareback. Hubby was happy to throw his load over her body as was I. However I was permitted to cum inside her, I never thought much of it at the time. But yeah she got pregnant and I was told it was mine, And they planned it that way. Hubby fired blanks. I was a donor... The sex stopped a couple of months later and I`ve never seen nor heard from them again. A shame really cause they were a great couple and we really clicked in bed. Oh well I can only hope they got what they wanted and are happy !..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'coops14'if i had a son already with my genes, then i would love the next child to be from a lover... how hot!! Quoting 'PaulnDeb' So over the years I would encourage Deb to f... her then lover bareback when she was not on birth control. I would be so turned on hopeing she would get preganat Quoting 'Harrisson68'   But yeah she got pregnant and I was told it was mine   The sex stopped a couple of months later and I`ve never seen nor heard from them again. A shame really cause they were a great couple and we really clicked in bed.   Hot, turned on, really clicked in bed... We are talking about conceiving children here! Wonderful, really?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    ... is another word linked to "Stupefy" "Deaden" "Drug" "Numb" and "Grip" .... "IN MY THESAURUS"   These are NOT words I use about You girl.... BUT they ARE words I use about this post!!!!!   I am HEARING your response!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    My husband is cuckold but someone else getting me pregnant is not a turn on. However on cuckold websites there is a lot of discussion about this being some men's desire. It is the ultimate humiliation.   It is thought that the word cuckold comes from the habits of a cuckoo bird. Whereby the female secretly lays her eggs in the nests of other birds, which then unknowingly care for the eggs and raise them as their own.   I have just finished reading the book Insatiable Wives: Women who stray and the men who love them by David J Ley. It was an interesting read and examined all aspects of the cuckold lifestyle. This being part of it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    There are certainly couples that do seek Bulls to fall pregnant with (singing Hearts "all I wanna do"). The levels and complexes of Cuckholding varies and for me some of it a little extreme. Whilst I enjoy going out Hotwifing and bringing home friends to play in front of and with my husband, I couldn't go to the extremes of caging him, demanding chastity, playfriends coming inside me or humilitating and belittling my husband in public. Some couples live 24/7 with a Femdom/Sub relationship, she rules the roost! This seems to me to be more prevelant in the UK and USA, I could be wrong though, just my opinion.Thanks Shells, I'll try and get hold of that book, sounds like an interesting read :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    I had been part of the lifestyle, but single now...I just want a partner that would like to live out this lifestyle......I was playing with a couple where she was approx 4 months pregnant at his request, and they were really happy.....she loved being pregnant and he was happy that another guy did....really interseting

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    For me the risk of Deb falling pregnant by her lover back then was mined blowing for me and Deb. The weeks following risk pregnancy sex would have us talking in bed each night with me caressing her tummy hoping his baby is inside growing. It not so weird wanting your wife to get pregnant from her lover it’s just what rocks you just like xdressing that rocks his world admittedly pregnant leaves a lasting reminder.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    On moral grounds. I don't see anything at all wrong with cuckolding and all of its kinks. What business is it of mine the flavour of humiliation or horniness someone else likes? But I do wonder about the ethics of bringing a child into the world as a symbol of that humiliation. I understand the need for sperm donors etc, but this seems like mostly a different scenario, and a potentially really ugly one for the child in the future. Maybe I'm over-thinking it?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    There are a lot of groups on fetlife that may appeal to you if you are not already on there, they don't have a huge amount of activity in australia, but it's a good place to talk to like minded people :)Snugglepot, there are children born into much worse scenarios, as always it depends on how they are brought up, the environment they live in and the love and guidance given. Just because a child was conceived through an act of humiliation doesn't mean that child will be treated any different then what they would had it been their own, conceived in a loving romantic environment.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'snuggle__pot'But I do wonder about the ethics of bringing a child into the world as a symbol of that humiliation. I understand the need for sperm donors etc, but this seems like mostly a different scenario, and a potentially really ugly one for the child in the future. Maybe I'm over-thinking it? This goes beyond games and kinks. Will this child grow up thinking the husband is his/her father? Will you tell them you used a donor? What if they want to meet their birth father? What if the whole truth comes out one day? "Well, we let mum get knocked up by some guy, because we thought that was hot."

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    I can understand Coops point, if the lover is a shared and the relationship is polyamorous, and the biological father is included in the child's life.I am not so sure about the random one off fuck though. . ....complicated...and how would the child feel about it? Because secrets, if it is one,will be revealed eventually.Harrison, as for being tricked into being a sperm donor, that is just a very unethical and cruel situation,for you and the child....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    More commonly this is purely a fantasy that is not usually acted upon.   In my experience anyone who has gone through with a pregnancy the child did NOT know the circumstances.   Something i think most of you are not realising is the absolute devotion that a cuckold shows his wife, this is a Femdom lifestyle. The wife is the Queen and the cuckold is her devoted slave. He is equally devoted to the child   In all honesty I can't see that it's that much different than raising a child from a previous relationship.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    a guy allowing his wife to enjoy sex with another man. If a couple are that much in tune and both feel at ease with that arrangement ' I can only see it as a positive. Providing the lady is consenting and happy to indulge in fucking someone else for pleasure while her partner watches or agrees for her to do so.. there shouldnt be a problem.However, its disturbs me quite a lot to think a child could be born into something that starts with a fantasy. Different if the couple cant conceive because the male is infertile and this is the one way to give both something they otherwise might never have, and providing the ( donor ) is aware and agrees to be part of it. It could be acceptable. But I dont think this is the case as we read it here. I can see many future problems for the child who had no say in how he/she arrived in this world.. Better to leave well enough alone...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    And disagree with a few as well, although I may be reading too much into them. I like Jay Me's take on it about all parties knowing and the importance of the child being wanted for the child's own sake and not just to fulfil a fantasy.I have to disagree with any impression that conception will define a child as they grow up. It's more about the parents (the ones raising the child) and the loving environment they create or don't create.If the couple genuinely want a child and have thought it all the way through, to be honest I don't see a great deal of difference between engaging a single male to impregnate her (as long as all know what is going on) or an accidental pregnancy for someone in that particular section of the cuck lifestyle when contrasted with say an adoption of a child or an anonymous spermatozoa donation through a clinic.That the child knows it was conceived because two people really wanted a child. That the child is told that one of those two people is not their biological parent. That the child is loved. These things are the most important for a child to know in my....somewhat....humble opinion.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'justforfunisall' I like Jay Me's take on it about all parties knowing and the importance of the child being wanted for the child's own sake and not just to fulfil a fantasy. I knew a couple with fertillity issues, who got a male friend involved. The child was (is) very wanted and has two loving parents plus a godfather, who happens to be her birth father. My issue is with the the posts that labeled the idea of a pregnancy"hot" and "a turn on". It made me think a pregnancy was not wanted for the child, but for satisfying some kink. If the child is truly wanted (and cared for) by all involved, I have no problem with it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    I'm the result of a love affair (1967) the truth came out when I was 28yo and when I turned about 32ish I needed to know medical history (also sorta just wanted 2 know) but sadly my real father past away when I was 30 :((( don't hold anything against anyone as what happened back then they both had there reasons ? My name sake father used to beat us a lot my birth father was an aboriginal man... And today I'm the proudest father of six (yes six) children and proud to say all are well in life :)) never raised a hand to then and would have had more if we could :)) children are our future and not meant to be messed with for just the kink of your own pleasures ?? If a friend needed a donor and all party's agreed then its fine but just for someone to get there rocks off to us (yes us) its simply cruel... Think of the bigger longer term effects :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'Mesmerised' Quoting 'justforfunisall' I like Jay Me's take on it about all parties knowing and the importance of the child being wanted for the child's own sake and not just to fulfil a fantasy. I knew a couple with fertillity issues, who got a male friend involved. The child was (is) very wanted and has two loving parents plus a godfather, who happens to be her birth father.   My issue is with the the posts that labeled the idea of a pregnancy"hot" and "a turn on". It made me think a pregnancy was not wanted for the child, but for satisfying some kink.   If the child is truly wanted (and cared for) by all involved, I have no problem with it. I agree with all of this. ^I think the main danger and risk is if the couple (man or woman) gets bored of said fantasy down the line. The kid would be the one who suffers the most.But hypothetically - if the child was brought up without ever knowing she/he was conceived by another man. And the couple genuinely did love the child as their own, is there really a problem?There are, after all - people born into this world in far worse circumstances.Interesting topic!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Did you plan to get pregnant or was it accident did you go full term

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I personally feel it's not ok, but
    there are women that get pregnant that have no idea who the father is, because they have unprotected sex, with more than one man during a cycle. and guess what, doesn't mean child won't be loved. so there are all sorts of ethical questions around it. and maybe someone finds the idea of wife/partner becoming pregnant to someone else, if they are happy to help raise that child as thiers and love both the woman and child i see no issue. there are plenty of children who are thoughtfully concieved that don't end up in loving homes, so can't really make a blanket judgement, even if it's not up my ally

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    30 years ago I worked in Columbia for 3 years. I got to know a beautiful girl, we fell in love and we married. We found that we both had a lot of things in common and that we enjoyed some as we called them then libertine ideas with regards to sex. The name cuckold was not common place, neither was hotwife. Women who had several sex partners where whores. Men who did the same were Casanovas or Players or Cads. We were honest whit each other and I wanted to make her happy and she said that she wanted to please me, love me and fulfill my desires. Many opinions but sex is a craving and my wife and I crave to have this desire fulfilled. I always was fascinated by the sexual prowess of an open-minded women and how she could enjoy the attention of several men and I always wished to find a wife who was willing to enjoy the sexual tension of being with another man regardless if I was present or not. The fact that my wife was being enjoyed and pleasured by another man who I respected and who also cherished and desired my wife gave me a mind-blowing sexual excitement which was more intense than any other feeling of arousal or sexual excitement I had before.

    And my wife was a natural in understanding and living out my secret desire. It is now 30 years later. We have 4 grown up children some have families of their own. In those 30 years I have seen about 10 worthy men ploughing my marital field with their powerful cocks and my wife joyfully and intentionally became pregnant by 3 of them. Our last child on the insistence of my beautiful wife was the result of our lustful lovemaking and as always the last and youngest child has a special place in any famiily.

    When our children were ready and in the right age (and that was different for all of them) we told them the truth about how we chose to live our lives, how I was their father but apart from our youngest, they also had a biological father. These men never left our lives and we stayed close to them until they passed away. For some reason my wife's choice was to go with much more mature gentlemen who she seemed to be most comfortable with and I always cherished the moment when she returned home with an expression of happiness on her face and wonderful glow to her cheeks. Thoroughly satisfied, at one with the world and at peace with herself and her emotions. She would always drag me to our bed for a sensual cuddle hour where she made sure I would feel and appreciate her body and softness that bore the marks of intense and ecstatic lovemaking. Her juices were still in full flow, she gently told me what happened while I marvelled at the dried spots and marks that the other man or the other men had left on her.

    We lived our life as a normal couple with our children and work but my lovely wife through all these years had one permanent lover on the side. For one reason or another some of these relationships came to an end and we would then look amongst our friends and people who we met who could become her next love-interest. We both searched, she looked and did things where she met knew people, I suggested and she finally chose. All of her lovers were extraordinary people, some were great artists, some ran big companies, one was a highly respected pychiatrist. All of them enriched our lives and influenced our way of thinking. And all of them respected our preferred scenarion and all of them were fascinated by the natural beauty, softness, intelligence and warm, loving and giving nature of my wife. She was the star of the evening wherever she went. And she was at her most beautfiul and most happy when she was bearing a child underneath her heart. Many people told me what a lucky man I as and I couldn't agree more.

    That is our story. Pardon if embellished it with words and made it longer that I needed to be but it should just reflect the respect and happiness that I feel about how we have chosen our way of life and how I have been able to find a woman who would naturally desire what my deepest cravings and need for personal fulfilment was. Proably difficult or impossible to understand for aanyll men and women who can only imagine and accept a one-to-one committed relationship and would regard what we did and enjoyed as utter betrayal.

    The last that I want is to present this as a viable lifestyle option or a paradigm for a successful loving relationship. We have seen many on a similar path just focussed on the pure technicalities and not on true love who have utterly failed. But I hope you can accept that we haven't failed and that it was right for us to do what we did. And we would do it again. With lust, conviction and determination.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    fuck that's pure shit..I'd never mix sex pleasure and fantasies with family life..some of your comments are just insane

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    This is getting ridiculous; how can this turn guys on ????

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • Defnotvanilla


    2 years ago

    So hot letting men blow their hot potent seed deep in your wife's fertile baby chamber..... N then stir it up with own cock or lick it all up ... Yumm