How many fuckbuddies is too many?
November 26 2022
Any insights from anyone about why a RHP multiple casual fuckbuddies scenario in 2022 is getting the guys mad?
There are plenty of vanilla find a monogamous husband type sites, why on this sex positive site that I've been on since 2004 are we all of a sudden being told that multiple numbers in our phones is a bad thing?
For additional context this week's one was two chats in here, he never asked to see my face photos and when I said that what I was looking for is "I'm here for a set of casual buddies" and responded to a question with "yeah I am hooking up with more than one guy" the response was "well I'm not sure what to say... I won't compete with the rest of them.... thanks for showing your true colours"
Mate I joined Red Hot Pie at age 23 and I'm still here at 40... my true colours were never hidden, I think sex is fun and having one guy on the go at a time is a boyfriend not a fuckbuddy
RHP User
2 years ago
Double standards are alive and well 🙄
2 years ago
Think you've dodged a bullet there, carry on being you, poo poo the weird.
2 years ago
Haha, what a dead set douche. Alot of slut shamers on these sites sadly. I simply don't answer leading questions like that and make it clear from the outset that I'm the Capt of my own ship and I'll steer in any direction I want. As a solo, I'm here for my own pleasure and experiences.... And yes that involves many different players. It's no one's business how many contacts one has and the ones who preoccupy their thinking with it... Best to be avoided.
Sluts of the Pie unite✊RHP User
2 years ago
Ignorance and stupidty from a man child. This is the only site that I feel I can be transparent and not ashamed of my sexuality. I've had anything up to 4 FWB at a time with the main one being for 15yrs and the other 4yrs. If you slut shame it means you can't get it and are just jealous that she can. I have no issues with how many male or female lovers I've had in life coz its my body and my pleasure.
I think there's no limit to our pleasures available esp when life can get so hard. Im a survivor and in remission so bugger social correctness.Ex007
2 years ago
He’s clearly triggered and perhaps making assumptions in his own mind. It really has nothing to do with you. It’s his own mental running program.
The poor guy obviously doesn’t realise that it is not and never is about competition. It’s about connection and compatibility. Every individual is unique and the connection you have with them is unique to the situation/relationship you share with them.
I hope he reads this and then understands that he’s not less or in competition with anyone, in any way shape or form.
Chin up Kick sometimes we take things to heart when it’s not ours to take on.
Stay awesome and be 100% you. 🤗.Mrs_Deep_Love
2 years ago
I've been called greedy... fuck 'em.
RHP User
2 years ago
In some cultures people are shamed for the most ridiculous of things, I won't list them, don't want to be seen to be targeting any particular culture but I am sure you can all think of some. Do you feel shame for doing/not doing any of these things that are shameful in a different culture? So what we have is a cultural difference, in dbag culture having multiple fuck buddies is shameful and in your culture it's not, c'est la vie. This need not cause anymore unpleasantness than pressing the block button.
2 years ago
Thanks gang... I want to be clear I don't feel shame and I agree it's a bullet well dodged... I'll quite happily say numbers out loud to those who ask them... I have a brat streak and I love talking about sex and enjoy it when a guy gets turned on hearing about things I've done
My favourite bit about the slut shaming is that this year I told my psyc I have a profile here, not only is she cool with it she actually thinks it's good for me and told me that more of my mates should know some of what I do... I am the opposite of taking on the slut shaming... I got a doctors certificate to prove there is nothing shameful about consensual sex between adult who have overlapping kinks!
I started this thread because I think that the world here can't change if we don't highlight what we think should be different..
And you never know maybe someone cute from Vic will comment and be a nice guy and I'll get an extra man on my list from it ;) :pRHP User
2 years ago
Wish I had your problem😜would be nice to find at least one😩
RHP User
2 years ago
More than likely just a butt hurt dude that's not getting any action. Just jealousy pure and simple.
You only get one life. Live yours however the hell you want and be happy. Don't let the haters get you down...MsSuperFoxy
2 years ago
ARRRGH! I'm so over the entitled morons on this site, other sites and in the community.
We owe them nothing. No explanations, no replies, NO Nothing.
Ms Foxy
PS: OP, a male work collegue of mine is on here and he brought it to my attention because he saw my profile. Because I refused to sleep with him, he had the absolute hide to call me Fridget. Wanker, needs to get over himself. 🙄MsSuperFoxy
2 years ago
As a rule of thumb, this is exactly why discussing "numbers" or how many lovers one has, with potential new partners or anyone infact, because people will throw it in your face.
Some things are best not discussed and redirected to the topic of respecting people's privacy.
As they say, The best kept secrets are never shared.
Ms FoxyBlueyesxxx
2 years ago
Shamming of any kind is not acceptable. Enjoy you be happy with what makes you happy. I suspect the negative comments are only made by those that are either insecure in themselves or simply like causing trouble for others
2 years ago
Its your life, so you can have as many fuckbuddies as you like ? If you feel comfortable with multiples it has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks .. Personally ' l couldnt handle too many at the same time , but thats me..
2 years ago
I don’t see how that’s slut shaming, he just said it’s not for him, he doesn’t want to compete and thanks for telling the truth, that was said in a slightly snide way but that’s not slut shaming. Now you’re here saying he’s vanilla for wanting monogamy? How is that not monogamy shaming? Obviously you’re going to get support here and he’s not but looking at it objectively you’ve done the same thing, only you’ve done it publicly 🤷🏼♀️
2 years ago
As for the question about numbers, obviously that can only be answered for the individual by the individual 😊
2 years ago
Five. Because why not. Any more and your hand’s full. (Oh how does anyone put up with me)
2 years ago
but then there are some of us who LIKE that you've had lots of partners. The more you do it and the more different partners you have, the better at it yo are going to get and I would then reap those benefits. I'm selfish. I WANT you to have had LOADS of partners or FWB - then I am going to be in for a treat.
2 years ago
42 is the ultimate answer.
(Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference)
Does it relate to this topic? Maybe hahaEarthQueen
2 years ago
It's fine that he doesn't want for himself that but does he need to throw a morality judgement into the mix? He sounds annoying and sanctimonious. If you met him on a date you just know he would have spent hours telling you dull stories about himself that were incredibly boring and give bad oral sex.
RHP User
2 years ago
As long as you feel good about your choices. Then the number doesn't matter.
But I feel that too much info given is not always the best as you have experience some what not a pleasant response.kickingaround
2 years ago
I feel the need to come back and defend myself a little here...
1. I have not publicly said anything to identify the guy in question, so I disagree that I've done anything wrong in airing this topic about one of the hundreds of active guys in my state this week
2. I choose that for me talking about sex is fun, I will always answer this kind of question truthfully. I think that the percentage of people expecting a monogamous relationship from this site would be particularly low, and if you read my profile and wanted monogamy it should be pretty obvious you aren't going to get it from me
3. I summarised the chat, but for clarity here is a longer version for those who have implied I just dropped a random number into a conversation in a place I should have avoided answering, I'll use H for things he said and M for me. I truly meant to answer his question honestly because implying you'll get a version of monogamy from me is a lie, and cheating is a pet peeve of mine... also in this of all places I shouldn't have to apologise for having more than one partner
H - Do you want a casual buddy or a play date?
M - I'm here for a set of casual buddies
H - So you have a group of guys who are your sex buddies?
M - Guys who genuinely care if I am well, but don't want a relationship... and the same back with me caring they are doing good
M - Group is a big word - but yeah I am hooking up with more than one guy
H - Well I don't know what to say
H - What I do know is I won't compete with the rest of them. That ain't me. I wish you all the best and all the guys you want.
H - Thanks for showing your true colours.RHP User
2 years ago
Oh to have the problem of too many fuckbuddies 🤦🏻♂️😄 one would be nice 😂
My problem rather is too many callousesRHP User
2 years ago
What you do on here, and with your body is your business. Little boys/girls need to grow up and realise that the world doesn’t revolve around them and their desires. If you match, you match. If you don’t, then scroll on. Nobody asked for your opinion.
2 years ago
At the end of every slut is a cock. I too have been shocked and dismayed by the double standards of men on this site. I’m constantly asked if my husband knows I’m playing around (wife and none of your business), I’ve had men wanting to cook me a meal (no thanks, I’m here to fuck), I’ve had my morals questioned.
Run your own race and be you. Thanks why that amazing block function exists. 😍😍😍😊G4C4U
2 years ago
It’s your body, use it or have it used as you please.
2 years ago
This is an interesting subject... I have a few FB from RHP and the vast majority have numerous as well.. I'm unsure why someone on a site like this someone would not expect that😅 I have very much enjoyed the adventures and experiences that RHP has facilitated and honestly,would expect any FWB/FB/NSA to be thesame... I would suggest (in my highly unqualified opinion) that ANYONE on here that had such a reaction lacks self confidence or is a narcissist 😉
2 years ago
No such thing as too many. Surely this site alone is all about being more liberal with thoughts and simply allowing people to be….to explore their sexuality to the fullest.
We should celebrate this.
So 👏👏👏👏👏 enjoy my love, fuck away and be freeRHP User
2 years ago
You Go girl 😇😘
2 years ago
Life is too short to not live it. Do the things you want to do respectfully and vigorously, only do things that are an experience that you enjoyed with whoever and however many, as long as no one is negatively effected and whoever is involved walk away happy then other peoples opinions aren't particularly relevant.
RHP User
2 years ago
Well I'm sure there exists a number for which everyone can agree is too many fuckbuddies, 5, 500, 500k, .... you get the point the number is there. But everyone is different so every person has a different number, many people have probably never reached their limit so maybe they don't know what it is. For me the number was 3, more than 3 and I found I didn't have the time or energy to maintain any kind of buddy status and they just became people I fucked and probably never got back to (sorry). So OP, how many is too many for you?
RHP User
2 years ago
Yes! It’s frowned upon if we have too many fuck buddies but how many guys are willing to fuck the same girl every night the way we love it?
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