How do I subtly seduce this guy at my gym…?

March 15 2023

Keep seeing this guy and we always locks eyes, I wanna know in a guy’s perspective what do I do to send a very clear signal I want hun to engage and potentially rail me in the gym toilet? X


  • FeistyFatty


    2 years ago

    Doesn't sound like you want a "subtle" response from him lol.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Ask him

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Ask him to spot you on what ever machine you're using and then you'll be able to have close up eye contact.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago


  • Inflation


    2 years ago

    You can always make a few comments to boost his ego. Guys will like that and its probably a good starting point.

    Or if you've already started doing that and he hasn't read the signals then the following may apply.

    a. Not interested
    b. Probably gay.

    Don't get caught or you may end up getting

    Good luck

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 years ago

    Come on....really?
    Gym toilets.
    I get the quick bang you want but don't you think of all the cross contamination in there plus extra body fluids.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 years ago

    Have you ever heard of verbal communication?
    Like Nike, just do it..ask him, "I see you making eyes contact with me. Wanna rail in the gym toilet?"
    Simple, direct and straight to the point.

    Ms Foxy

  • Notice_Me


    2 years ago

    ask him to spot your bent over rows.

    else nude pics are flowers for men... :)

    then link him to this post

  • madotara69


    2 years ago

    You could just tell him that you like him.

    Mado Tara xx

  • CuriousAsianCpl


    2 years ago

    Walk up to him and these next 2 words will blow your mind...

    "Wanna bang?"

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    My ears are burrrrning 😏

  • steveNmegs


    2 years ago

    Just be direct and honest with him.

    Walk up to him and tell him that you are interested in him and want to get his number guys appreciate this sort of stuff. Unfortunately in this day and age guys are conditioned not to make the first move for fear of being labeled a creep and a pervert.

  • Sawadee


    2 years ago

    You could always walk up to him and grab his cock ? No words needed ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Imagine Guy from gym reading all this in here 🌚

  • HappyHedonist


    2 years ago

    This is your opening line for a guy/girl 'you have a great physique are you training for something' Wait for the the smile then 'Hi I'm xxx'

  • TightyWhities1


    2 years ago

    Say hi and go from there. You'll soon workout if he's keen. Or you could just walk up and say want to get funky in the

  • DonnaBrett


    2 years ago

    Ask him outright.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 years ago


    Ms Foxy

  • Timotheous


    2 years ago

    If a chic walked up to me and was that direct.. well, damn she'd be my newest best friend!
    Just go tell him you wanna bang.. if you get rejected, yeah he's either married, loyal and satisfied at home.. or gay!
    Either way, it won't be you!
    Guys get rejected all the time.. take it on the chin, and keep moving forward!

  • hisDarkSecret


    2 years ago

    Eye contact. Smile. Ask to work in on a machine. Comment that you're not sure if you're doing the exercise correctly. Wait for him to begin flirting. Take a risk and ask where he's from to get the ball rolling. Place him in a position where he feels masculine - "You're way better at this than me" (smile, eye contact)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    just ask lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Why can’t you make the first move ??

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Why be subtle if you want it, hit it up that's a guys prospective. Trust me he will not get subtle.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Give me a wink and nod?

  • jayyjayy


    2 years ago

    Point fingers and get him too follow you 👍🏼

  • FunwithSandS


    2 years ago

    Get ChatGPT to craft a good opening line. It appears to be doing everything else these days! X

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Ask him and organise a better rooting place to actually do it full throttle lol. Gym toilet really gf that's so gross on so many levels at least shower the gross sweat off before doing the do...have some class about you in the first place.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Just walk up ask him if he is single if u is then break the ice and tell him u want his LAHOO JUICE

  • madotara69


    2 years ago

    So how’s it working out summerif22 ?

  • LetsFrolic


    2 years ago

    Go talk to him. Ask foe a spot

  • coolnhotnok


    2 years ago

    is subtle for you? It's fine if it is. Otherwise just accidentally drop a weight on his foot when walking past (not too heavy! you don't want to cripple him) & then apologize profusely & make sure you work in a clumsy boob. Hold his gaze for a second too long & bite your lip. Pretty much guaranteed you'll get any kind of railing you want anywhere you want it. If you're worried about hurting him, make it your drink bottle or gym towel if he's standing - the point is to get that boob to work ;)

  • fixherleak


    2 years ago

    This would depend on what you're wanting from the guy. If you're just wanting him to pound it for that, you don't need to suduce; all you would need to do is smile, walk up to him, and ask, "Can I have some of that dick?" I dunno why chicks don't do that more often since there will be a low rejection rate since males are programmed to need it that is if you haven't been converted over to gay somehow. It would make things way easier and make the world a better place, and I know the next thing you're going to say is, "What if he thinks I'm a slut?" This is a misconception, as the typical guy does not care fr how many guys you've been with. I know this to be factual personally because I can't tell you how many times I would run train on chicks with friends and one of the guys ends up cuffing the chick lol 

    Now on the other hand, if you're wanting more than being pounded, that's a little different since guys have a higher rate of rejection, and female signals can be more indecisive, it's harder for guys to pick up on them. Since this is a gym, the easiest way would be to kind of slowly follow him around the gym, like every time he moves to a different machine, you keep moving closer to him and around whatever machine he's working out on. Also, if you have a big ass or if it looks nice, make sure to bend over in front of him every now and then. He will eventually get the idea if you stay consistent. Alternativly, if you want to see if he's interested without saying a word and make it cut and dry, you can do what I do with chicks: just throw up the little telephone sign with your hand near your ear and mouth while smiling and looking in his direction and pointing to him to see the reaction.

    There should literally be no females asking how to pick up guys that shit is way too easy. Guys are direct females are the weird ones.

  • pelanc


    2 years ago

    So, what we are all interested in: HOW did this play out for you?

  • Jattz05


    2 years ago

    any update how did it go haha ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    give him the old "roll the tongue around the wet lips" sign, it always worked on me, then you might get his wet lips around yours (pun intended).

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Rooting in the toilet.

    She won’t get banned.

    But he will.

  • Washere76


    2 years ago

    Smile at him regularly

  • bigwhereitcounts


    2 years ago

    Possibly he is taken and respectful of his relationship but there is every chance if you are both making eyes at each other he is wondering if you are a better choice. Maybe he is shy / a little awkward and doesn’t want to make the first move. All I would say to you is approach him and let him know somehow. “Are we just going to make eyes at each other or are you going to ask me out.?” He will then have the chance to tell you if he is in a relationship, gay or otherwise not available. Most guys in that situation would take longer than you would seem to like in this situation to build up the courage to ask you.

  • Pumpkin


    2 years ago

    You could, like, get your BFF to ask his crew if he, like, you know .... likes you or something....then you could be all, like Errr Mah Godd!! Then you could see if he wants to meet you behind the bike sheds... nah joking......................................... next time you lock eyes, smile, approach, nod you head in the direction of the change rooms and say wanna um? In my experience men are often not great at subtle.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    RDLs right infront of him ;)

  • justthebest18


    2 years ago

    Come on. I see only a thumbnail-size photo, but you are obviously an attractive young woman. You attend gym, so you are probably in good shape. I'm struggling to understand what might prevent you from catching the eye of / engaging in conversation with / enjoying the undivided attention of any heterosexual male attending that gym. A smile is always a reliable ice-breaker. Try "How's your workout going today?"
    I get the feeling you might be short on self-confidence. He might pick up on that if the two of you get close enough to chat. And nothing is going to confuse an amorous male, already cautious and full of doubt, than mixed messages emanating from the object of his desire.

  • ZenLover


    a year ago

    Subtle: Lock eyes, then tilt your head and cross your eyes with your tongue out to the side of your smile.
    Direct: Flex your index finger to say, "Come here", with a little smile.
    Clearer: Wave a hotel key at him. Skip toilet.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    There is no guy in history that wouldn't get a kick out of a compliment or a kind word. In terms of where to from there, women have all the power. That would be pretty high up on the bucket list for a lot of guys, you just have to work out whether it is for him. If you are subtle, he probably will be as well, if you are not, he probably won't be. Good luck, and I hope that you get what you want!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Just go and ask him for his number. Life it hard by itself. don't make it more complicated for yourself.

  • EndlessSummer85


    a year ago

    A nice smile goes a long way , unfortunately women don’t seem to ever flirt

  • Gregidge635


    a year ago

    Next time he looks at you act like your trying to lick an ice cream don’t hold your hand like your actually holding the ice cream just your tongue and a wink

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Drop your snap on a piece of paper on his while he is doing a set and walk away

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Just go and talk to him, most guys won't make the first move at the gym

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Its funny cause guys, well older males like me perhaps, are also caught. I can say though with all the gym creep crap going on I know I am one who backs away a bit from conversation preferring the female to initiate. So I would so as many have said and ask for a spot and thank him but give him a slight flirt in finishing. Next time you are in then do the same but be a bit more forward and test the waters. If he is a red blooded male he will take the bait; if not he is gay or taken etc.

  • Vodkalimesoda


    a year ago

    Summerof22 walk up to him sweaty and say I need a shower wanna join

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 months ago

    Discreetly flash him or non Discreetly what ever suites your fancy. We men are very basic creatures, we will respond to a nice pussy tit or ass flashing, especially if you can see you doing it deliberately.

    Or just be straight forward and ask for sex. It works more times than you would believe guys don't get thrown a bone that often so when it happens we respond quickly.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    I know exactly where you are coming from
    It is so hard to know.

    You can get him to spot you guys like that
    Light flirt and touch his arm after he has helped you
    Get him to spot you a second time another day because if he is interested from the first flirty touch he will go home and think about what he should have done right ... guys are a little slow
    Compliment him on his body
    If he responds with a comment on your efforts. Go for the kill
    Guys get shot down all the time so a pretty girl or any girl openly hitting on him is like a sign from heaven