How do I see if my sent message has been received?

July 06 2022

Help! I am a bit of a Luddite when it comes to RHP. I have sent off a few messages to people that I thought may have illicited a reply. Ghosted. Is there any way to tell if my sent message has been read?


  • MsSuperFoxy


    3 years ago

    Yes you can.
    In your in message in Box, there should be a heading that states "all messages" with "down" symbol next to it. Click on that symbol. Then click on the "sent messages" heading. It should refresh to all the messages you've sent. The messages have a profile pic to the left, and if there is a the little profile pic icon to the right, that means they have been read. If it doesn't have the little icon, it hasn't been read or ignored.
    ^ Try the above out and see how you go.

    Ms Foxy