How do I pick up two guys.
April 02 2024
a year ago
First, be female
Second, have more than 1 photo
Third, complete the profile in full
Fourth, use your female intuition
Magic 💫🧚‍♂️💫PlayfulKinkster
a year ago
Honestly, just ask the blokes. They might be willing to play with someone else on here with you. Or they might have a mate they know that'll come along. If you don't ask, you won't know.
a year ago
First time?
I suppose it’s the same way you’d go about meeting one guy, just you meet two separately and set a date to come together. Lots of men will get off on the fantasy then bail on the day if they’re inexperienced and you haven’t already established some sort of connection. I started by contacting a gang bang group and went from there. But I have also done so after meeting and making a connection with one guy first, then adding a third. I have also asked that the guys contact each other first for bi play to ensure they were comfortable with each other. Don’t know if that’s a done thing but it made sense to meRHP User
a year ago
You'd have to organize it. It is tricky if you're not a couple. But that's what makes it special because it shows you can seduce multiple guys and have them at the same time.
a year ago
Easily..... Datefinder or just tell a playmate to phone a friend 🤷
a year ago
I think it might be easier to line up two men that you both already had sex with. They might not bail that way and you also know that you are safe and will have a great time.
a year ago
If you wanna pick up 2 guys you need really good arm strength
a year ago
I would say it wouldn’t be too hard - you could get along to a club or a party where there are single guys, I’m sure there would be takers there.
Also groups on here who could help you out too.
Date finder is another good suggestion!
You got this!boobsandbusted
a year ago
Meet and greets where single guys are invited and screened
a year ago
Also Maybe work on your communication skills and learn conversations are a two way street after you ask a question and people answer it ,🤔it’s polite and in your interest to keep it moving along and you may get an answer that works and benifits you 💡
RHP User
a year ago
Just ask
a year ago
I used to have a masseur who really enjoyed joining me when I had a curious female friend. He brought his gf over a few times to play as well.
I found a three way worked really well if the two guys know each other.
But also, I have met up with women who have also invited someone new along too, and that has been delightful as well.
As long as you have two guys who are very open, willing to please, and not averse to body contact with other men, it should be a fun time... at least from my experienceElectricDreamers
a year ago
I'd recommend having 1 who is already a trusted FWB
a year ago
Walk up to 2 blokes and ask
RHP User
a year ago
Just go to a swingers club, I'm sure you will find some guys there.
a year ago
Just remember bend at the knees and back straight.you won't have any dramas making your wish come true
RHP User
9 months ago
I think the best thing to do is to pick up one guy and then another. Meet them both separately and have sex with both of them.
Later, have a chat to both of them separately and tell them your fantasy.
If they are both interested, ask for all of you to a have a drink together and then maybe go to a hotel room.MissToreeXXX
9 months ago
I can give you my ex number...him and his mate are gangers. They will take care of you.
RHP User
6 months ago
It’s one of my fantasy’s to have a threesome with a guy and girl.
4 months ago
As a man I also want to have a female with another male to see what it is like. For me, I don’t want to share a lady with a male who I know. I would prefer a stranger.
Maybe that’s your answer. Find two strangers who want to share youDonnaBrett
4 months ago
Go to a swinger's party or club to meet like minded people. If you're wanting a private all night session at home or in a hotel you can suss out who you want and invite them to get together when it suits you.
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