How do I encounter the sexy cougars?!
September 07 2024
How do I get these women to give me a chance to change their lives in one night?
7 months ago
Buy them a Tatts lotto ticket, if they win, their lives will be changed in one night.
7 months ago
Maybe start by not calling them cougars 🤷
They'll find you 🩷Margo_Lover
7 months ago
Hahahah, hilarious. Just maybe, know that you're not going to change their lives at all. They've had better.
Being an arrogant douche is not appealing to most women, even less so to the 'cougars'.
I guess if you get them pregnant, you can change both of your lives in one night. 18 years of child support, yay.
- Alex.Flirty2020
7 months ago
What makes you think that you will change their lives, after just one night?
Are you the “cougar whisperer “ or something ?RHP User
7 months ago
I haven't seen it myself, but there is a story in WA folklore that dates back to the early 1970's.
Apparently, if you walk slowly along the ridge above Serpentine Dam, on the ninth day of a waxing moon in the spring, with a cinnamon stick and three almonds in your pockets, whilst whistling the tune of 'Helplessly Hoping' by Crosby, Stills, and Nash, a cougar may appear from the shadows and invite you to make love to her on the forest floor right there and then.
There have been mixed reviews on how this turns out so if you try it please do come back and report how it went for you.Ex007
7 months ago
Reading your profile as a 40 something year old woman.
I would likely feel a bit put off. The tone comes across as overly forward, perhaps even immature, especially with the overt focus on sexual content.
The cheeky, playful side might appeal to some, but the overly explicit language feels more objectifying than charming.
As a more mature woman, I would likely be seeking deeper connection, respect, and compatibility in conversation rather than this type of overt come-on.seekandplay
7 months ago
Perhaps because we know you won’t change our lives in a night… us ‘cougars’ are pretty switched on, being you know, older and all! Tidy up your wording in your profile and you might have some better luck.
7 months ago
Perhaps if you don’t make it sound like you’d be doing them a favour, it could be a good start.
6 months ago
Oh, I know. The gender gap is real. I play both sides of the field and frankly have no idea what they’re thinking. Guys are so easy to read. Women are a total mystery. It’s as if they’re a different species with their fickle signals.
For any sense of relief, you should change teams. You could be sagging as much as you have an urge to. Really, these jezabels are not worth the anxt, anxiety or money. For a guy with your confidence.
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