How best to starting out?

October 24 2017

I'm somewhat curious about cuckolding. To clarify I'm currently single, so when I mention a partner, this is a hypothetical partner.
Is it better to transition from a monogamous relationship into a cuckolding dynamic? Or to start the relationship within a cuckolding dynamic to begin with, or very early on?

I do not think I could smoothly transition from a mutually
monogamous relationship dynamic into a cuckolding relationship. So if I
were to have a cuckolding relationship, I'd prefer it to start out that
way; or at least turn into one early on.
What are your experiences & preferences in this regard?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Some people ask stupid questions

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago


    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    My ex wife and I started having threesomes with other guys very early on in our relationship and continued throughout our marriage. I wouldn’t call it cuckolding as we always played together and there was no sense of me being submissive or inferior etc. Anayway, now that I’m divorced im facing the same issue to some extent. I think the trick is to be open and upfront about your turn ons etc

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • J_N_L


    7 years ago

    Quoting 'angus12307'
    My ex wife and I started having threesomes with other guys very early on in our relationship and continued throughout our marriage. I wouldn’t call it cuckolding as we always played together and there was no sense of me being submissive or inferior etc. Anayway, now that I’m divorced im facing the same issue to some extent. I think the trick is to be open and upfront about your turn ons etc

    - Posted from rhpmobile
    @angus12307 Thanks for your comments.
    Cuckolding is something I like the idea of. But I'm unsure if I'd enjoy the reality of it. If I find I don't like the reality of it, it would be better to damage an early relationship (i.e. cuckolding from the start), instead of damaging an established long term relationship (i.e. transitioning from monogamy to cuckolding).

    I look forward to reading other people's perspectives, experiences, & suggestions.