Hmmm Is there a contest out there?

December 30 2020

Just want to ask the question. In the last month I’ve talked to 3 guys who were full on - texting daily, photos, attention- making times to meet up for a drink etc. creating what I thought was a real connection so I was keen to meet.
They kept asking me for photos which I ignored except for the gallery ones - just boob shots in mine. Mind you I’ve seen multiple of them.
When I finally did send a photo - just another boob shot -ghosted.
Has anyone else experienced this or are my boobs that scarey 🤣
Just after your thoughts getting a bit pissed off. Wondering if there’s some sort of hidden comp out there.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Quarantine got people thirst out here

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Plenty of guys just chasing pictures, some look like their pics others I think are imposters. Heard a few people complain about it, I've swapped pics talked and what both parties are looking for just isn't the same, but it's polite. Folks just want pocs

  • justforthefun44


    4 years ago

    Lots of time wasters on here. We get the same from men and women

  • Want2havefun


    4 years ago

    Not sure what you mean - but wish I could wave a wand and say - genuine guys only apply.

  • MsJonesy


    4 years ago

    If you only have boob shots in your gallery, then they may well want to see a face pic to check if they are attracted to you prior to meeting. So ask them what pics they are wanting to see.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 years ago

    WANKERS! That's all they are. 🍆
    Ms Foxy

  • EarthQueen


    4 years ago

    This is a pretty standard RHP experience. A large amount of men on here want hookups and/or want to sext using pics. Thats what they use the site for. Ghosting is just part of online dating on any site. Maybe person with a partner who is just doing some texting on the side or things aren't moving in the direction that they want so they just ghost.

  • Mischeviouslad


    4 years ago

    Would it be better to be ghosted before, or after meeting

    I say the latter
    And even worse after theyd used your body for their agenda.

    You dodged bullets

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Just drop me a message. I won't let you down and spend time with you .

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Ghosted before meeting is better than being ghosted after meeting, interacting, intimacy etc. Think yourself lucky and perhaps ease off on the pictures. Meet them first and go by that. That being said, it's not a good predictor. You can meet someone, they may seem nice, it goes further and then the ghosting begins after they 'have' you. Unfortunately ghosting has become the 'thing' with online dating. People are perceived to be disposable.

  • LittleGiant


    4 years ago

    Yeah, I'd say they were just here to get their rocks off to some sexy photos and had no intention to meet. Not had this happen to me after sharing photos, but I've been ghosted twice after having sex, which is way worse for the ego LOL. One was a guy that said he wanted to get more serious after we'd slept together a few times (which I wasn't into) then ghosted me and I ran into him a few years later at the cinemas, he acted like nothing had happened. Another from years ago when I was single I had sex with once then he ghosted me, he sent a message on my couple's profile last week. Me: "We've already had sex then you ghosted me" Him: "Where did we have sex? lol" The ghosters clearly don't think about it like us ghostees do, so try not give it a second though. It's not you, it's them.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    im sure what you woman are saying and its f....g sad of these sad guys but trust me there are a lot of woman out there who just want to dirty chat and soon as you bring up meeting to a drink ect they do the same and just move onto the next guy to dirty chat with. its just online and no point stressing over it. some are real some are wankers. sad but true

  • Playful2looking


    4 years ago

    Your boobs are great..sounds like they are pic collectors and cheating husbands ...lovely people on here. Just don't let the strange ones worry you