Hello Guys!

May 24 2024

We have a noticed some male and female couples profiles on RHP recently which state they are straight/bi curious and looking for females and couples, that is what we are looking for so we have a read of their profile and it’s either clearly written in the ‘about me’ or ‘looking for’ section that they are looking for females and couples, and nothing about playing separately. Scrolling down, we notice all their friends are single males and the only validations they have are from single males 🤔. We start to wonder why, as apparently they are only looking for females and couples. We spoke to a male and female couple on here recently that fits this description and said they were straight, during the conversation they stated - the female doesn’t like the male having sex with other females, so they invite a single male around to their house to play with the female, and the male of the couple then goes off on his own adventures and plays with couples. That is an arrangement we are not interested in and we ended the conversation.

So, now we are wondering if male and female couples are venturing away from single females and couples more frequently and playing with single males, mainly because they have had little to nil success with single females and couples?


  • Viccpl


    6 months ago

    We’ve had a validation change from a couple to a single male due to a split - it’s a thing! That said, while we are looking for generally couples, and possibly females we have come across and chat with single guys too. We may or may not meet them in the future, who knows 🤷

  • ElectricDreamers


    6 months ago

    We only add - males - to our looking for list when we're looking for them. Otherwise there's too much traffic/messages to deal with.

    We started out thinking playing with single men in the mix was not for us. It didn't take long in the scene before our first (straight) MFM which we both enjoyed. I (MrsElectric) also was getting tired of MrElectric fucking super models while I got 'dads' so he agreed it seemed fair for me to access incredibly hot guys and the rest is history...

    Nothing to do with unicorns or lack of them or couples - just a different dynamic that can be lots of fun to add to the mix.

  • Andrea_Sydney


    6 months ago

    Meeting couples is not easy. I find couples to be hard work most of the time. The messaging is often entitled and demanding and rule setting from their end, as if you have to apply for acceptance and it’s not a mutual attraction and fit that’s needed. I’m usually out when messaging turns to that. What you are describing, to me that’s a good reflection of dealing with couples.

  • Sawadee


    6 months ago

    The wife doesnt like her husband having sex with other women ... So shes allowed to have a single male while he goes off looking for couples or single female ??? Meaning the husband is effectively single but not the profile ?

    In our experience this is the husband telling a potential pursuiter his wife allows him to play alone , making me think this is just another single male using a couples profile to get attention ? .

    I could be wrong, but l dont think so .

  • Blueflamingo


    6 months ago

    You are most likely correct in your last observation.

    From a singles point of view, I find single guys are so much more accommodating. Plenty to choose from and much easier to set up dates with than couples.

    I find couples are complicated because everyone has to fit into each other's dynamics and likes, no one is supposed to be left out or missing out. In a group of 3-4 people, some will always be more attractive than others and one wants to take one for the team.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 months ago

    Couples can be weird. Not all but most.

    As Andrea pointed out - lots of rules etc.. which basically says "we're not really certain of what we're comfortable with" and can often lead to awkward situations.

    I had that a few times meeting couples on my own (guy walked out once and then came back to begin an argument with her whilst I was looking for a sock).

    Doing couples stuff with Abi was equally interesting - we tend not to give any fucks about what the other does with someone which is an issue as most other couples did. Cue some interesting conversations after whilst we're all relaxing after; "So I noticed you did this with Paul / Abi and that's not 3what we discussed". FFS, get over it.

    Abs has also tried to meet couples but again, just a metric fuck tonne of too much conversation, not enough direction. Then the rules such as - you can't kiss him but you can kiss me. Straight away she's gone drier than a moth sandwich.

    But the point I take from all this rambling, is I feel many people (couples, females) go into this with a lot of expectation which is not often communicated well. Being totally open with your partner about why you want to devour that sexy little brunette in front of her can be a confronting issue for many.

    A mate of mine peruses Grindr frequently. He's a hoon. His take - guys don't even get close to overthinking things. They get rules, boundaries and just make it happen and they are very emotionally detached. Perhaps that's a reason why couples could be moving toward single guys in your observations?

  • Mask_007


    4 months ago

    It is crazy how people don't really when setting up they own profiles!!!!
    They Mark things preferences that is actually something they are not looking for.

    I find so strange and confusing how they say I'm interested then at somewhere in the profiles they say something the complete opposite. Then when you ask they get mad at us. 🤷🏻‍♂️