

M32 F29

Having sexual experiences while traveling

February 20 2024

Hello there,
We are travelling for quite a while now (almost 2 years) and I (male part) find it hard to meet people or even get in contact. My partner isn't really interested in the lifestyle we had back in Germany because it's way more complicated she says. I get that and it is harder since we live more or less full-time in a car. We rarely stay anywhere longer than 1-3 days which makes it even harder to meet people. But I really miss meeting people and having fun with another guy or couple or going to a swingers club.

How do you guys live that lifestyle while traveling? What are your challenges and how do you overcome them?


  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    EASY, PEASY, put up travel plans.

  • ElectricDreamers


    a year ago

    I (Mrs Electric) love being a Sexual Tourist... checking out local clubs... sure you pretty much have to go to a capital city here in Australia to find 1 but maybe make that something to look forward to rather than something that is not part of your van adventures...

    When you know you will be passing through a mid-sized Australian town reach out to locals here in advance.

  • peter196921


    a year ago

    Look at your next destination and and put it in the travel section, you will get lots of messages as you both are pretty nice

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Post your travel plans and Datefinder. We've had great experiences using those platforms to "advertise" our intentions 😉

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Does rhp have active members in other countries?