Having a bit of trouble finding some funn !!!! What am I doing wrong girls ??
June 30 2018
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
6 years ago
For relationship status. Kind of suggests you are not single.
RHP User
6 years ago
Is bland and not really that engaging to be honest...
The other issue may very well be how you’re messaging....
- Posted from rhpmobileAnnieWhichway
6 years ago
The snapchat rabbit filter. It makes you look like a dick.
Those filters are fine for a 12 yo on facebook but not for an adult on ANY dating site, male or femaleRHP User
6 years ago
these days on your profile, if no other woman's interested then why should the reader... and your profile is utterly boring..lose those sht house filters to its as bad as the greek fruit and vege mans gold chain.
6 years ago
There is a thing that kind of paves the way for making our own fun.
Have fun with yourself in the meantime. Masturbation should be embraced, neither nor any feel of guilt or shame with masturbating when it is so much fun doing it naturally.
You can try putting your arm up behind your head and lay there a while, when your hand has fallen asleep just let it flop down and land on your old feller and do it's thing, a bit of fun and for the figment of your imagination, it could be felt as someone else's hand, who that may be, may just be the fun for the day, don't hurt yourself if your fun ends up ecstatic during the throws of it all so exciting.
The glass is half full.
Mado Tara xxRHP User
6 years ago
Thanks for all the feedback guys appreciate it 😊
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
6 years ago
Have put up more pics and sc filters are gone 🤙🏻
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
6 years ago
Have put up more pics and sc filters are gone 🤙🏻
- Posted from rhpmobileAnnieWhichway
6 years ago
Looking much better. Maybe lose the pics with the beer in hand, although shower one might pass.
You have the no strings statement in your profile which can be a turnoff for some even though they may not be after strings....go figure.
And the time waster statement is unnecessary, the time wasters dont know they are time wasters so it wont apply to them.RHP User
6 years ago
I'm on it
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
6 years ago
Hopefully it's all up to scratch now 😁 really appreciate all the comments you guys have been a big help 😁😁
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
6 years ago
The smoking might be an issue for many ladies. Not saying don't smoke but that that might reduce the number of interested ladies.
- Posted from rhpmobilecuriousnhorny05
6 years ago
Your welcome to seduce me :) and I’ll provide honest feedback. Is that cheeky?
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
6 years ago
A lil cheeky 👌🏻👌🏻 But what if I'd like to be seduced ??
- Posted from rhpmobileAnnieWhichway
6 years ago
There are 20,000 males on this site that would not question Curiousnhorny's offer......
6 years ago
:) go on have some fun, I have a very vivid imagination should your moves work their charm. Just think of it as a test run. Least you’ll know if the fish have been caught and you need a different pond or you need some different bait.
- Posted from rhpmobilejoels1234
6 years ago
I think it’s because you live in the wrong state 😪 because if you lived in Queensland, brisbane I would definitely be interested in having some funn with you 😍 just saying if your ever in town please look me up if you are keen 😋
- Posted from rhpmobilerudboi
6 years ago
Hey there gorgeous! And how are you.. remember me from mikes place..😉
RHP User
6 years ago
Hi,, I am new to the nudism scene. Been to nude beaches before but always feel lonely and bored. Would like to know is their any female who like to join me for nude beach. Thanks
- Posted from rhpmobile
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