Green Eyed Unicorn
December 13 2019
So ive been in this scene about 18months. I play with my hubby but with permission im now a unicorn for others also. Ive played with couples, individuals and groups and had a lot of no strings attached fun.
But this couple (they are new to the scene) seems different for some reason and the thought of them playing with other unicorns makes me go on an internal jealous rage! Im very aware that makes me seem really hypocritical and im not asking them not to see others, simply stating how it makes me feel.
Im not jealous of them as a couple at all, i adore seeing them be intimate and i have no interest or desire to come between them. Its just the thought of them with another that makes me turn into a high maintenance princess!
So where have i gone wrong and what do i do? Any unicorns have any advice?
Is it that we chat too much? (Weve chatted like every day for the last 6 weeks and played twice in there).
Is it that weve crossed a boundary? Ive slept over both times (at their invitation) and been to their home. And i feel like i know a lot about their lives as they have been very open with me.
Have we shown too much affection? Should we have tried to keep it more on the lust side of things and parted after the deed?
Should i be avoiding repeat play friends?
Im totally lost and calling out to those experienced unicorns who have come before! This isnt something ive experienced with any other playfriends and im really unsure how to proceed or how to feel about it!
*funny advice also welcome*
- Posted from rhpmobile
5 years ago
You seem to have answered your own questions here. Maybe time to step back and reflect on the situation and where you "may" have had a misstep. And hopefully you will resolve your thinking mistake before it takes on a new level.
5 years ago
Don't be hard on yourself for what you feel. Your feelings are valid. I think what's important here is why you are having those feelings. Many will tell you that feelings are bad. But they aren't really. We wouldn't be human without feelings.
Let's face it having sex with others means often that feelings are involved to some degree. It sounds like you have found some people with whom you have a real connection.
Have you considered the Polyamory aspect?RHP User
5 years ago
Perhaps it is because unicorns are so rare and so coveted, you thought you would be the light of every couple's eye and that they would treat you with reverence? When you discovered your couple were having good times with others, this made you feel less special, perhaps a little insulted?
RHP User
5 years ago
Isn’t life a bit funny like that, we get everything we want, have our cock and eat it too but still a bit of jealousy can arise. It’s natural and jealousy itself is not a bad thing, it’s how you manage it that matters.
Go back to the feelings you are having and examine what it is that has made you feel this way. Is it simply that you felt perhaps you were enough for the couple so to see them still searching is a bit of a sting? Is it that as a rule you feel a bond to them and are scared of losing that? Or is it just plain old irrational jealousy where what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine too? Each of those motivators is a real and valid feeling. But it is your feeling, and no one else’s responsibility to manage. Yes, the couple in question may read this or you may raise how you are feeling with them and a compromise or discussion is held that helps to soothe you.
But I’d recommended that you listen to your feelings and sort through it. It’s human to be illogical and irrational, but in order to evolve and play freely we have to listen, process and decide if we can continue this way. We all have a picture of what we want, and I honestly think the key to being happy is knowing what we can and can’t handle, and seeing who else gels with that.
I wish you good luck and happiness. Xx CCRHP User
5 years ago
OkeyDoke45 thats a good question. I dont think thats it. I never expected to be treated anything more than what i am, a person. My other play friends have other play friends, as do i. But ive never been in a situation in this scene where for some reason i feel jealous.
I guess i was just seeing if anyone had had a similar experienceRHP User
5 years ago
Oh and funny advice?
Fuck their dads! That’ll show em. Or their mom’s, whatever it takes.FeistyFatty
5 years ago
OkeyDokey..... hit the nail on the head there
5 years ago
We're not all immune to developing feelings we think we have in check ? Seems that the sleep overs slipped you into a comfort zone you never thought possible. ?
Your probally not the first this has happened to and definately not the last ' so theres a message there for everyone contemplating this lifestyle.
Don't be too hard on yourself, put it down to experience and learn from it.. Good for you for putting it out there.. cheers..AnnieWhichway
5 years ago
You never disconnected. Best friends often message every day.
Simple as that, the constant connection formed a bond, be it love or be it very close friend's that was /is threatened by someone taking your place.
Everyday messaging is for people that are more than fwb. You are heading into the poly area with the emotions like that.AnnieWhichway
5 years ago
Best friends often DON'T message every day
RHP User
5 years ago
I was once involved with a couple as third person. First meet was mindblowing. Second was great and there really was a connection between us all. I felt very drawn to them, but of course we also had our separate lives. As time went on things found the right balance. It was a bit like a honeymoon period, and as time went on our affection and the good sex remained but the intensity and nerves evened out. The "arrangement" lasted a few years meeting every 4 to 6 weeks.I would recommend that you not be hard on yourself, but just chill a little and let things take their course. And you really have no control over your friends, so do try not to be upset if they play elsewhere. This is their adventure too. G
RHP User
5 years ago
If this couple are new to the scene then they are yet themselves not aware of how responsible you have to be regarding themselves and others. Meaning daily messaging and sleepovers have probably caused them to realise that it wasn't such a great idea in hindsight. Maybe they got a little too involved and now decided best way to deal with that is to go play with others.
Which is what you should do as well. and take a bit of time to hit the reset button. You may find a great friendship with them or play friends or might just move on.
I'm sure your feelings will settle and will be a lesson learnt for future unicorn adventures.RHP User
5 years ago
Thanks for the advice and experiences everyone. Always good to get the perspectives of others. Taking what everyone has said into account, Ive spoken with the couple i mentioned and we have decided what works for the 3 of us going forward.
XxRHP User
5 years ago
Open communication only way to go. Happy to hear you worked it through.
RHP User
4 years ago
What happend to kissesNcream
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