Good sex with an annoying, arrogant prick.
November 01 2024
Ever fucked someone you can’t stand, someone totally not your usual jam and loved it?
Did you go back?
Were you curious as to why?
I did, met this girl and we rubbed each other up the wrong way. Cafe in the Shire. The worst date ever. Couldn’t wait to get home.
Then we talked again a year later and had a hate / fuck 6 months or so.
Enjoying sex in spite of someone was a new experience. I’d do it again.
5 months ago
Hmmm not sure whether we could. I know Trin couldn't.
We prefer to like the person we're about to get freaky with.Ex007
5 months ago
nteresting story, but I have to say that kind of vibe isn’t for everyone. To each their own, of course, but personally, I’d rather have something built on connection and mutual respect. Chemistry can be wild and unpredictable, sure, but I think it feels better when it’s with someone who genuinely brings out the best in me. Life’s too short to invest in ‘hate/fun’ if you ask me!
5 months ago
What gave you the impression it a hate fuck 1 year later? Genuine question
5 months ago
I agree with the comments above but also think there can be huge sexual attraction with someone that also annoys you a lot on other levels. I can remember a few one night stands where we obviously were not going to be soul mates but the sexual tension was so great that we fucked the shit out of each other., which isn’t my usual style.
I can also say there has been times with partners where there is strong mutual love but you’ve had a disagreement and are not likening each other in that moment but that energy is there and you kinda hate fuck each other to get over it and then cuddle each other tenderly after the tension is released.
I don’t think I could hate fuck someone long term though or could I?EarthQueen
5 months ago
Yes, he was really annoying, arrogant and a player but had good banter. He had this weird superiority complex about how good a kisser he was. He stuffed me around so I ignored his ongoing attempts to meet up. Then about 6 months later he messaged when I was in the mood and we had a hook up based on a bet. It was fun way to spend the afternoon and there was a lot of sexual tension. As soon as it was over I kicked him out really quickly and said I needed to get on with my day because I had things to do. I don't think he was used to women flipping the script, using him for what they wanted and then getting shown the door. I forgot all about him till you wrote this post. As for his kissing, it was OK, but nothing to humble brag about.
5 months ago
No, I haven't.
What a mind fuck-in a bad way. No thanks.
I wouldn't give someone the privilege.
Ms FoxyHeart2Heart
5 months ago
Can definitely be the best sex you’ll ever have
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