Gold coast clubs.

June 25 2021

Hi guys, we are very new to the lifestyle and looking for a fun swingers club to spend our Friday night at. We are staying in surfers paradise and hoping to find something close.
X o x o


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Chateau Vino is at Molendinar. Not too far from Surfers. This Saturday night is Voracious Vixens night which always draws a big crowd.

    Jump into the events section, that will give you all the info/address etc.

    Ms PF

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    This has been asked before as the Atrium has since closed. Have a look through previous posts too

  • 2ofus4more


    4 years ago

    Definitely Chateau Vino for us, The problem is that when you have had a taste of it, you won't be able to stop going,,, ;-)

  • EasyGoingCple69


    4 years ago

    CV is the place to go atm
    Especially there big nights. Gets packed though.
    Definitely worth it