Going down on a woman
February 01 2022
Women: what is your experience?
Men: do you say these things because it's what you think we want to hear, but really youd skip it given the chance? And why?
3 years ago
Those who actually do it don’t need to boast about it, that’s my experience.
3 years ago
Most who have said they have liked it have genuinely liked it. My advice is to put it on your profile exactly what you want. When I was active I stated it on my profile that you must like eating pussy. When you are with him tell him you want that first before you do anything to him. It won't always work but it did for me. Once I had a meet that was only based on oral and he was the real deal. You could tell he loved it. Ask and ye shall receive....maybe...
The majority of the best oral I have had is with a regular partner though. You can make him practise and refine his technique.EarthQueen
3 years ago
Also forgot to mention, don't go for the braggers. They rarely live up to their word. Go for the quiet achiever. Men who are good at their craft don't need to brag about it.
3 years ago
It’s par the course, and appears in the Goodroots “Profile Writing For Males” handbook (2nd edition).
And yes, it’s total bullshit in most cases, along with such gems as:
“i can last for hours and hours”
“I know my way around a woman’s body”
“Sensual massage is my speciality”
“I just love giving my partner pleasure”
And..(of course)...
“My cock really IS 8 inches”.MsSuperFoxy
3 years ago
Rule #101: Never believe a Humble bragger.
Rule #102: A gentleman, actions what he says.
Ms FoxyRHP User
3 years ago
Some men do that as it's a way to speak,
I will get there pussy if that's what they want, U till it's really jucie then I will fuck the shit out of themBlekehow
3 years ago
Certainly cannot last for hours, but I do love it. For me it is about the folds of skin, the fact that you can feel every twitch of a woman. But, hey, my jaw and lips do get sore!
3 years ago
It’s a tricky question to answer as a guy that genuinely loves it, but doesn’t want to be labelled a bragger!
But then I don’t really say I’ll to do it for hours either…. Well, it’s rude to talk with your mouthful! 🤣RHP User
3 years ago
It's hard to say I love you when you're sitting on my face.
3 years ago
old proverb does spell out correctly; "Those who tell dont know and those who know dont tell".
3 years ago
Most guys claim to be good at eating pussy but rarely live up to their boasting. Now that they have found the clitoris that's all they seem to focus on. Most make a token effort to lick a pussy briefly so as not to appear selfish when the bulk of the session they solely focus on what pleases them.
3 years ago
As others have said, there is a certain quandary when it comes to expressing yourself on your profile as to what you do and don't like without sounding like a wanker. I express myself as clearly and openly as I can on my profile (and in my profile name) but having read the comments here I've become more aware of the fact that it probably comes across as "what I think you want to hear". I've now noted that on my profile.
Obviously when there is significant cynicism out there (understandably!) having a profile that contains references to attributes that may be considered with skepticism is a disadvantage but I figure you can only be true to yourself, and if you are not true to yourself someone is going to catch you out.RHP User
3 years ago
We both love sharing a pussy together we find it such a turn on great way to start a 3 sum
RHP User
3 years ago
Really? I find that’s ALL they want to do! And I hate it 😆 then they beg, say you haven’t tried me yet, wait until you see how I do it. They push even harder. Maybe that’s the trick 🤷🏼♀️
I wish I could find a guy who wasn’t infatuated with it.RHP User
3 years ago
@lovinglifenow202 wrong side of the country maybe 🤷♂️
I don't boast...when it's something you love, the adoration and praise flow pretty freely 😏73bandit
3 years ago
Thats a double edged sword ladies. Just saying. 🤔
3 years ago
Such tongue lashing in some of the comments
3 years ago
Now if a woman stated "I love eating cock and won't stop until I'm told", "I could go for hours and breathe through my ears", imagine all the creeps coming at her like thirsty dogs.
Don't get me wrong, an elegant cock full of substance is delicious but, Jesus my jaw would break and I'd end up with duck lips. I don't want that.
Ms Foxycountrytouch82
3 years ago
Guys should try some reverse psychology then "I'm absolutely terrible at cunnilingus and I hate it" haha
RHP User
3 years ago
People lie basically, just say whatever they think you'd like to hear or are just selfish lovers.
RHP User
3 years ago
From reading through messages to our couples account while it was active, I don’t think the majority of men have any concept about women/female orgasms/female pleasure. Most men seem to think what women truly want is a quick lick and then to be satisfied by a mans ejaculation.
RHP User
3 years ago
Absolutely not! As a matter of fact, I given the opportunity, I love eating pussy and going down on a woman, hearing her moan, feeling her arch her back as the excitement grows and finally reaching her orgasm and experiencing her body quiver with ecstasy. Any takers? 😉
3 years ago
I think if you stay down there too long you're in danger of getting your head crushed..😂
3 years ago
As someone who loves going down as much of not more than anything else in the sexual experience I find it hard to comprehend there would be many guys out there that don’t think the same. Whether they are good at it is another thing, it’s not that difficult, I think it just takes the man to be interested in providing pleasure not just receiving it.
Now rarely, I have been excited to taste the nectar of a woman but on sample the usual delectable taste sensations aren’t there.
Now this could possibly be an unpleasant odour but in my experience I put it down to a pheromone mismatch more than overt unpleasant taste. With my partner and a few others the taste tingles on my tongue, the scent sends shivers down my body and directly to my cock and I could stay down there forever (wifey always is the one to beg me to stop and fuck her not the other way around)
I admit I’ve been with a few women that going down didn’t give me this buzz and it became a bit of a chore ( I’m ok with doing my chores)
I think this could also be similar for giving head, the tastes, scents, pheromones may stimulate or suppress the enjoyment for a woman.caramelswirl
3 years ago
The real and genuine ones are rare but We are actually out there. I’ve been told I’m good at it but, I’ll also be honest and say probably not every time. Sometimes first times together as new partners as a man you need to take time and effort, communicate, ask and learn what she likes and wants. All women are different, you can’t do the same thing with every woman you meet and expect it to work for all of them.
It’s a massive turn on for me to hear the right sound/moan from a woman and be aware of her body language and feel when and how she moves when you hit the right spots and you do it just how she wants it.compressor
3 years ago
Too many guys at the moment just want to look after themselves in the heat of the moment. Both should try to make the experience great for both
RHP User
3 years ago
I like eating a girl till she cums and taste her juices. My preference to persistence is the labia. I like long lips
RHP User
3 years ago
I always prefer to go down on a girl before fucking. It’s a great opportunity to see and taste a woman
3 years ago
I wonder if this is the same for lesbians?
RHP User
3 years ago
I feel that porn has a LOT to do with the way many guys approach sex, as what they watch often sets the benchmark. In there minds they believe they are all pornstars and what they see is a guy going down for 2 mins, concentrate on the clit and thats it. The ease with which porn is accessed these days has had a very detrimental effect on our young men who really dont seem to understand the subtle art of seduction. Guys on a whole are pretty shit communicators and prefer to assume they already know what ladies want, when the reality is that more blokes have talked their way out of pussy than into pussy. To answer your question though - Would you skip it given the chance? Hell no. Its not only the best part of foreplay, but also during play, towards end of play. Hell everytime we change positions im back down there
3 years ago
OP, dear "continually disappointed". Given that you have obviously had multiple instances of this problem, have you thought about making contact with less boastful, more humble guys? Perhaps even those that have not contacted you? You can browse profiles and choose for yourself too based on their language and profile. The humble guy will also be incredibly thankful for the interest, and if genuine, won't turn into a self soapbox for his sexual prowess.
RHP User
3 years ago
Are you seriously telling me none of the guys you go with like licking your pussy?
3 years ago
I find that I enjoy going down a woman that I know well. If we've met recently then not so much.
RHP User
3 years ago
Geez im only on this site to meet fwb's who are interested in oral play sessions , i may not have it properly stated on my profile . It's the act of that makes it better and working it out on the spot , how well your connnected in the intimate setting that makes it best . It does get hard to control an erection though when your in the heat of the moment . But if a bloke makes a promise they wont want to ram away and stay committed to the tongue then they should abide . Be a gentlemen !!.\
3 years ago
I never knew some guys were like that. It's not a brag for me. It's just something I love to do. I reckon I get as much out of it as she does. For me, it's a must do part of it all. On the other hand, I don't often get much out of her going down on me (call me peculiar), though she can if it's something she enjoys. There are other things some people brag about that I do not do. (e.g. I just can't do anal.)
3 years ago
It's a shame that a lot of you have had such a bad experience getting your pussy eaten. Guys love a bj so only fair you get your turn to be eaten till you cum too.
From my experience, I do really enjoy eating and the feel when she orgasms with my fingers inside and my tongue dancing with her clit is so awesome too. For you guys, if you take the time to eat her first, there is no end to what you will most likely get in return.RHP User
3 years ago
Well my hubby does a very good job than, you should sit on his face sometime.
RHP User
3 years ago
Not licking pussy before sex is like not licking the lid of your yogurt when you open it, it’s just not on!!!!!!! Licking the lid is the best part.😜😂
3 years ago
Since this post is going on forever I might as well throw my experience into the ring.
The longest I've ever gone down on a woman continuously is...
1hr and 10 minutes. That is 70 minutes of non-stop licking.
I don't say that to boost, I say it to note it was faaarrrr too long. My jaw was sore, my tongue was numb, my body, kneeling beside the bed, was aching.
This day, Margo just could not orgasm. So I kept going, and she was loving it.
At the 70 minute mark I must admit I was tired, sore and a bit annoyed. I said Ok, thats all I can do, I need to get back to work.
I handed Margo a vibe or 2 and left.
30mins later she burst into my home office announcing she'd finally cum, a couple of times.
Which I knew as I heard her 😆🔥🔥
- Alexkisslids
3 years ago
I do enjoy licking pussy, but if she doesn’t like it then it won’t be done. There is more than just one having fun.
I prefer to feel if she likes it or even hitting the right places. Life’s about having fun and smiling alwaysHappyHedonist
3 years ago
For me eating pussy is all about prolonging the sexual experience with a partner and getting them worked up to the point when they say the 3 magic words 'Fuck me now', BJ then happens between fuck 1 and 2.
RHP User
3 years ago
Everyone is right, the good ones don’t need to brag. Personality says it all
3 years ago
Being honest - I see it more as a duty than for my own enjoyment. It helps if the female seems to be enjoying what I am doing though. Not sure I could last more than a few minutes. My tongue gets tired.
RHP User
3 years ago
Unless you're really in a hurry, why wouldn't you? Foreplay time, along with 'doing the deed' time is obviously more than just the latter. So why lessen time up and close with someone you find attractive? 😕
RHP User
3 years ago
Going down on a woman is my absolute favourite thing…
It’s a sensual delight of smell and taste that lasts with me for days.
It’s also incredibly intimate and I treasure when ever the gift of open legs is given to me.
My longest session was 9 hours and I was exhausted afterwardsRHP User
3 years ago
It’s an important part of foreplay 😌 get your ladies squirming and you’ll have a lot more and more satisfying fun
Don’t be greedy.RHP User
3 years ago
Most guys talk the talk and don’t walk the walk .. For a guy to be good at his game with pussy eating, he had to derive his energy and pleasure from it . Period.
RHP User
3 years ago
As with many things, I suspect it's to do with the move from fantasy to reality.
I find it to be THE BEST THING, when it works.
But it doesn't always work, because she may not be into it (thinks 'it's dirty down there', finds it embarrassing, or just wants something else).
Or I may not be into it with that particular woman, due to an incompatibility of the smell and taste of her body. Kissing on the mouth can be the same. Love can play a big part in it, but not always. Like having a chance kiss on the lips from a stranger and feeling wow, that was nice! We can long for it and fantasise about it, but when the flesh meets in the physical world, it doesn't always work. Perhaps doesn't usually work, for many of us.southernCpl
3 years ago
You need to find the right tongue! Lol I was never into guys going down on me until I met C! He has changed my whole view! There are ones out there, they’re a bit like a unicorn! Right place right time! I know I’m a lucky girl and if you think I’m making it up you’re welcome to try out C’s talent! Txx
RHP User
3 years ago
I honestly love it. I love listening to your breath starting to change. Then next comes the moistness accompanied by little noises of pleasure which start to get louder and longer. You then start to move and grind your beautiful pussy harder against my face while your breathing gets deeper and faster. Your moans of pleasure get louder and louder and then your body tenses up and your back arches and you give one final scream of pleasure as you explode. Whats not to love about giving someone so much enjoyment?
I just wish i was a better writer so i could give it complete justice for how awesome it is.Just_Dan
3 years ago
I can only guess they are just saying it because they feel you want to hear it, but that's certainly not all men. Keep looking
3 years ago
I'd give it a good go for as long as I can I haven't been with a lady that wants it that bad
RHP User
3 years ago
You gotta have a good looking pussy, clean and no smell. That's my only thing about eating pussy.
RHP User
3 years ago
I must admit, my Mr is an absolute pussy connoisseur. I am being honest to god when I say he legitimately does not stop until I have cum 3-4 times and I’m begging for his cock.
3 years ago
Never eaten a pussy before but I am very keen on it and the thought of it makes me excited
RHP User
3 years ago
If you have to eat pussy for hours then you are doing it very wrong hahah
3 years ago
ANd I thought oral sex was just talking about it 😄😁😆
3 years ago
Now I can only speak for myself and I know that I truly do love it, I love looking up to see how I'm pleasing you and I love the feeling of power. Mmm and feeling her legs tighten around my head, gripping onto her tighter as she shakes and Cums and only stopping when shes begging
....oh god what have you done to me now lol 😜Powercouplevic
3 years ago
You need to find the right men there are definitely men who live to eat pussy …
RHP User
3 years ago
I absolutely love doing it I love the taste the feel in my tongue but most of all I love the satisfaction I see feel and hear in a women when I do it I always try to do it until she cums or wants my cock
RHP User
3 years ago
I sometime get frustrated because I feel I can’t get my tongue deep enough!
To answer your question you should just insist they eat you out till your satisfaction!Playful2looking
3 years ago
Wow can't believe this.surely oral is basic foreplay...I guess licking creampie...will be way over the top for most then
RHP User
3 years ago
I don’t know about the rest of the male population but I honestly love to give. I love to see a woman satisfied first. It gives me so much pleasure to see a that look on a woman’s face when she is climaxing. The best tip I can give which I have picked up along the way and found very satisfying for the ladies is to not flick the clitoris with your tongue but rather draw the letters of the alphabet on it with your tongue. When you get to z go back to a and start again. Try it they love it.
3 years ago
I get that message alot they could eat pussy for hours. But as soon as they get here they are looking for penetration. Some will use foreplay, but not for hours.
3 years ago
There is nothing more hotter than going down on a lady... For me it's like kissing, it's foreplay. It's making sure the woman is pleasured before myself. It's a massive turn on knowing I have pleasured you from my skills.
I also love when we do have sex, to tease by stopping penetration to lick for a while bit and then to penetrate again and repeat a couple of times.RHP User
3 years ago
I love too do it but your not accepting messages hahah😜😂
3 years ago
RHP User
3 years ago
I think they boast about how much they love doing it because they think it's what you want to hear.. men love oral so they think you must also... when the clothes come off they forget all about the promises and just think giggity giggity 😀
3 years ago
My last girlfriend never had an orgasim from a male it was only from her vibrator, every time we would have sex I would go down on her until she had an orgasim and basically cum all over me I actually love it.
RHP User
3 years ago
I never skip eating pussy,
I have on occasions just eaten and then left as that’s all that she wantedRHP User
3 years ago
It’s because they’re men 😂 their satisfaction is generally first and foremost to them. Not all, but most. I think a lot of us can agree. I’ve had some great experiences, but they are rare gems.
RHP User
3 years ago
advice if I may, tell them exactly what you like and need to get off from head. Give sexy instructions during and encouragement when he’s doing good down there… incorporate sex toys if you like and make it known in chat or on your profile you’re looking for good head and it’s a mutual exchange of oral pleasure, which means time and attention to you while they do it, unlike most porn!
RHP User
3 years ago
OMG I started thinking it was just me. Promises promises, then bang nothing after the first date. I am about to give up on my search 😞
3 years ago
If I guys loves going down on a woman that will and should be the first thing he dose. And only stopping because he is so turned on he has to feel himself in side quickly but then just return to keep going. No better pleasure
3 years ago
I do enjoy it. It is my favorite. The issue i find sometimes is comfort. Im gonna speak freely, and maybe long winded, but its only my point of view.
I love, LOVE going down and eating a woman, licking her, tasting her, and having the avility to purely give. It is in a way a very vulnerable position, and does require a type of comfort or relaxation around her. It also requires one to focus on be in the moment if they want to ensure her pleasure and not just try to rush it.
Eating a woman, on my end, requires the previously mentioned comfort, as well as me being fully present in the moment. Not just, hey I am here, but mentally, present. Able to focus on the little movements you make, the way you shift when nibbles are given, or the outer lips are licked. Where i can use my senses and KNOW, that you are enjoying what is being done, and being driven to that release.
Some guys do try to say they enjoy it, and do so to try and get their pecker wet by throwing some lip service your way. Others may be uncomfortable or performance shy. Men, despite their macho exterior, are ego and pride based creatures. If that confidence isnt there, or they feel intimidated, they may not able to feel adequate or even feel ibtimidated at the prospect. Men, like women, all have their quirks and qualms.
There is no greater pleasure to me, when down, and feeling her fingers in my hair, grabbing my head, ears, sheets (whatever) at that moment of her release. But up to that moment, its about the attention paid into her taste, scent, feel. The outter and inner lips, the delicate taste of her juices, the joint of her legs to hips. Talk to them before and draw out an explanation of what entices them into it, drives them wild about it, and discuss it.
Sorry that you had such crappy experiences with that, its a wonderful experience on both ends. To be valued and appreciated.Boundinpleasure
3 years ago
🙄 you, unfortunately for both sexes, are the choosers of who does and doesn’t have sex.
We’ve been trained by you AND society that we need to tick certain boxes in order to have access to something that has not only been given false worth but is the source of so much frustration, rage and disappointment (your vagina). We WILL do whatever it takes to fuck you and pass our genetic makeup onto the next generation and if it’s as simple as telling you “I eat pussy till the end of days” then we’d be fools not to do it.
Simply put….a lion doesn’t need to tell you it’s a lion.RHP User
3 years ago
Well Lovinglifenow I've always done it, love doing it and love pleasuring my lady, there is no wham bang thank you mam with me, it takes two to have a good time and will have intercourse and during intercourse will stop, put my head between her legs and continue to give her a tonging and have never had complaints. It's actually a huge turn on for me to pleasure a lady that way.
RHP User
3 years ago
The ones that brag about it don’t or can’t do it properly. Happens so many times. I was told for a guy to do the alphabet with his tongue. I’m lucky one of my regulars gets into my pussy before he gets his clothes off. 🤪🍑💦
3 years ago
I leave it as a nice surprise. Making a girl laugh and have a good time is most important thring. Flirting and getting along. Then when it comes to licking her pussy she’s relaxed snd wants it so makes it easier. Should only last minutes not hours she should be screaming for your cock.
3 years ago
Some of us guys genuinely enjoy pleasing a lady either eating pussy or using toys. My end goal is to make them orgasm and enjoy themselves as that is what keeps them wanting more. We don't brag about it we show them we like to send videos of us or myself making lady's reach orgasm this heightens the experience before meeting.
3 years ago
Men or males in general are inheritantly stupid. They say the things they think you want to hear and are then dumbfounded when you consider them to be a total moron. I realise it's impossible but if they actually told the truth just once they would have a lot more success hooking up.
RHP User
3 years ago
I love going down on a woman, I will always shower first and expect she has showered as well, as I have a tendency to lick the other passage just to see how the woman reacts, I believe a guy must eat a fanny to stimulate the female before she returns the favor on you, I find the best time to eat a fanny is half way through intercorse, its warm wet and juicy, It's a shame we can't bottle fanny juice.
RHP User
3 years ago
Definitely pop it on ur profile as i have . Only had a couple that didn’t and guess what they didn’t get my pussy again
RHP User
3 years ago
Find a guys whose cock is locked in chastity, will eat pussy for as long as you need, cant do anything else lol
RHP User
3 years ago
It's great for me and her 😏
RHP User
3 years ago
Most guys will say it to get in to bed with you but I can only say from my experience/interests that I love to go down on a girl. I think if you give it then you should receive it just as good or better. If you make a guy moan then he should give you a mind blowing oral experience as well
RHP User
3 years ago
So, for myself, I have been with the same woman for 20yrs, untill recently. I loved and still do occasionally love chewing, licking sucking, playing with the same beautifully pierced pussy that I had for 20yrs. wasn't often that she didn't come in my mouth on my tongue and didn't matter how long it took. I love the taste of pussy and love teasing and playing with it. I also like introducing toys in while I'm eating. I like to make women come in my mouth, on my tongue, always have always will. I also like to go down, eat a bit in between fucking.
Now I'm free to taste much more. I'm hear to taste as many as I can. see if I can make other women cum and squirt with my tongue and fingers.
I like to eat first and make you cum first. if you don't believe me how bout you try me hehe. I'm happy to just eat your pussy. any time of the day.JODA14
3 years ago
2essess hit the nail on the head. All pussy's taste different, like a fine wine it's an acquired taste. So is comfort levels, Mrs J is also the one that begs me to stop and fuck her, but until she squirts in my mouth I ain't stopping, I like including her rosebud (ass hole) this always sends her over the edge. Now everytime I go down on Mrs J she has just come out of the shower and her pussy is fresh, in the swinging scene, are pussies always fresh? You sit around drinking, chatting then all of a sudden when the mood is right, the clothes come off and you're into it. Maybe the comfort/scent of the pussy you're about to eat isn't as tasty as what you are used to. Just my opinion that's all and i/we have tasted a few.
3 years ago
Sucking and licking pussy is a delightful experience. I love it.
3 years ago
Going down on a woman is a privilege for every man and should always been seen that way. It is not something that should be taken for granted and a man should always ensure what he is doing is working for her. I love and I do mean love going down on my queen and it is always about her.
3 years ago
Each woman is different, a man must find the groove she likes and focus intently as she gets to the zone she needs. I just think some guys don’t have the patience, or skill, to react to the female body. You can’t be down there thinking, have I licked this enough so can we shag now ……..
3 years ago
My partner absolutely does what he said in his profile and can go for ages. Absolutely adores it. Or maybe it’s just me! 😜
RHP User
3 years ago
A true gentleman never talks
3 years ago
I think a lot of people say they are good out of ego but just want there rocks off. Me personally, it’s my favourite thing to do. I find it so hot pleasing a women, I don’t get why some men act as if they love it just to be able to meet and then disappoint
3 years ago
Its probably got a lot to do with the intimacy of it. I assume many of the guys on here are here for instant gratification - their own :) They just like to jackhammer away to show their masculinity, there are many types of lovers out there, the trick is to find the right kind.
3 years ago
Its the same old thing...Tell you what you want to hear till they get you on your back and then they just do their own thing... It gets old...No wonder women don't want to have sex :/
RHP User
3 years ago
At least you're finding connections. I love pleasing a women, in particular a good tantric massage to orgasm, but struggle to get any connection on here.
3 years ago
It's an odd thing for bloke to say. Coming on here and saying you love eating pussy is like going to Maccas and saying you love eating burgers. If anything, blokes should highlight if they don't like eating pussy and save you ladies the time and effort
3 years ago
In me expenses
And I can only speak for my self
If the lady I am with in having a good time and the mood is right. Then yes I do love to please a lady
I fined the more she is in to it the more adventures
I be come trying things that I hope will give her pleasure the more she shows that she is in joying
The longer I will stay on the job
I fined if we are both relaxed the better the experience
Over the years I have found that if I put the time in
And do my job properly the sex is always betterRHP User
3 years ago
I have found the exact same problem too. Very frustrating....I don't want to have it for hours either. I am all about fairness.
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