M37 F32
Gloryhole for hire?
November 12 2023
I’m looking to borrow it. Fantasy is to pleasure 5-10 guys back to back while being filmed. I’m not looking for guys, I’m looking for the facilities. I’m not interested in something flimsy like a curtain.
a year ago
Foldable screens work a treat and if it’s 4 panels you can box yrself in and have 4 holes
a year ago
they're pretty easy to make, its just the location that's the issue, most glory holes in Melbourne are gone now because of cleanliness but there are a few brothels that still have them with heavy restrictions.
RHP User
a year ago
giant cardboard box
a year ago
Il make one for you as long as I get my cock sucked , hit me up
a year ago
Sounds like another trip to Bunnings! I reckon swapping out an internal door for one with the required hole in it should be fairly straightforward. Fuck it, just make a hole in the door. What are your requirements? An ensuite bathroom? A tea towel? Do you want to be able to take a break without being seen by the men being pleasured or is that neither here nor there.
a year ago
How’d you go with tracking down a location, curious to see if there’s any legit ones out there besides brothels.
RHP User
a year ago
I would happily build you one and hold the camera :) what a dream come true, shame it soo hard to find in Australia
a year ago
Just invite some carpenters ;)
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