Gathering Interest...

July 23 2024

Allow me to firstly introduce myself my name is Natasha aka teasingtash79 and I have been apart of this amazing Lifestyle and Site for 10yrs with no chance of stopping any time...hehehe...

I have noticed that within our naughty ever growing Community of like minded individuals with that Lust for all things naughty, that us kinky folk up here in Central Queensland, North Queensland and Far North Queensland do not have a Safe Open Accepting Establishment to play at North of Brisbane... And this is a very sad situation, as jeez do we have some very Hungry and Thirsty Ladies and Gentlemen up this end of the coastline...

I am here to offer the most delicious snack of an idea if I can see that I can get enough interest to pursue my most Wildest and most Naughty Dream... I am considering Reopening Mackay's Resident Brothel and flipping it on it's head to become North Queensland 1st Adult Club...

This little Dirt Secret will be what everyone talks about, this Establishment will offer Playrooms like no other Establishment as well as on-site Limited Accommodation for Event and Play nights...

So if this wets any of your lips ladies and gents if this piques your interest please Like this Post and if you wish please leave a message...Please get behind me or in front of me for this amazing opportunity to have another Adult Club where we can be who we were meant to be...💋💋💋...


  • Reefplay


    3 months ago

    Great idea but unsure of the licensing requirements these days. Thought local government together with state where very controlling there, hence making it unviable.
    Good luck in your endeavours

  • fun2behere


    3 months ago

    If you haven’t already maybe chat to the people who run OSS or Fun4two in Sydney. They can probably give you insights into what works and risks and how to manage councils etc. Just an idea

  • NeoAndTrin


    3 months ago

    It would be good yes to have something for all the naughty boys and girls in QLD outside Brisbane!

    Hope you manage to get this idea off the ground.

  • tiffyos


    3 months ago

    Hi Tash, we drove past heading home yesterday, she mentioned we should go for a look soon to your area. I hope the idea works, it is a lovely part of the world.

  • Mrnyceguy


    3 months ago

    Sounds like a great idea, the SW and Brothel laws change from state to state but a Swingers Club 👏🏻you just got to get it over the line with the local council and comply with their rules… good luck and keep me updated.

  • tryus30


    3 months ago

    Definitely would support a club locally 👌

  • Legsnbum


    2 months ago

    Great idea Tash,we would definitely do our best to support something closer to home. Reach out if we can assist in anyway.