a year ago
It's not
RHP User
a year ago
The boys at the local footy club will help you make up numbers
a year ago
Try Parliment House or ATO
They fuck everyone over.
Ms FoxyMsSuperFoxy
a year ago
Perth: There's always organised gangbangs happening over there. Surely can't be that hard. 🤷♀️🤷♀️
Ms FoxyViccpl
a year ago
Are you saying it’s hard for you to be invited/accepted to a gangbang, or you’re finding it difficult to organise one for you/partner?
a year ago
used to organise gb's with my late friend at morning side have a few contacts all very discrete but the a groups a little older now . your always in control
a year ago
The moment we mention the slightest thing about my wife and our hot wife adventures , we get a parade of males checking out our profile.. So i dont understand why getting males for a gangbang can be so difficult.. ?
OK ' l understand some men cant perform in front of others , but the sheer numbers of men here tells me theres
plenty that would love to get involved.. Like all gangbangs , its a matter of separateing the chaff from the hay.. No effort , no gandbang...
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