March 17 2025
I'm curious of a safe way to go about FMMM and would love to hear your suggestions if there is any
Thank you in advance
2 days ago
maybe a party with multiple door prizes may be a good suggestion to kick things off
2 days ago
I’d suggest going to some party’s and making freinds with some of the guys you trust and like and organise from there Or possibly a safer way is go to a party were single males are let the hosts know your plan so they can also keep an eye open ,pick you group and grab a private room ,at least it doesn’t go to plan and you need help or anything it’s just around the corner for your safety
Mr bfriendseeker
2 days ago
hi look thru these forum posts as others have raised the same issue. A couple did fairly recently. You could go to a club or an organised party and do it as part of a group. Another way is to have a trusted male friend who organises it with you. It is harder to organise than you think. I speak from experience organising FMMM for female friends. Have fun x
2 days ago
Easiest way, especially if you're a newbie, is to invite some mates (previously discuss what you're seeking of course). If you don't already have a bit of a network of contacts/playmates etc set up then attend some meet and greets and newbie nights.
2 days ago
Trusted, vetted private parties. Or, if you want someone to plan, The Playpen (Melbourne) would be a good place to start. MFM night at Between Friends, add a few extra M’s,
Have fun!nightingale8
2 days ago
Attending small play parties is a more intimate way to meet and connect. They’re useful in quickly sifting through who can tolerate being naked and not competitive around other men. And of course deciphering who has skills 🔥 None of this trigger pumping business 🔫I haven’t met any regulars who don’t respect rules and consent. I guess because arrogant/untrustworthy one’s are quickly sifted out.
Helpful if you have formed a good connection with one or two. Will help you relax and know they have your backHere4funonly
18 hours ago
Easy way, invite me. Its simple and straight
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