July 31 2024
7 months ago
If you speak to them in person the way you've worded this post then the long run on sentence with a lack of full stops will make you come across as desperate or even strange. It's actually a trait of Asperger's sufferers to speak like that to others.
Best advice is to go into a date with no expectations and just play it cool. Even a bit aloof. Women love a bit of mystery from what I hear.RachWandered
7 months ago
Honestly I don’t think anyone can answer this without knowing you or the women.
I don’t friendzone often … usually I get friendzoned and even then I’d say I get zoned … usually guys just
I don’t have any sage words or anything reassuring to say.
I just assume the dudes all have issues and it’s not anything I’ve done or something wrong with me.
You’ve probably just not met your people yetMsSuperFoxy
7 months ago
Thats me to a tea.
I'm sooooo guilty of friendzoning!
I do it because I'm not sexually interested or see myself being physical with that person.
I just can't go beyond 2 dates. I've tried and it makes me feel crappy.
Once my mind is made up, I can't change it. Nothing to do with being, "Mr NIce Guy". That's a load of BS.
It's my mind set and how I feel. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with me because I like what I like.
Hope that answers your question OP.
Ms Foxygazpacho
7 months ago
Mate. It’s a struggle. Even arseholes think they’re nice guys. People fall in love by accident. That’s all there is to intellectualise
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