First time to a sex party

July 19 2022

Hi I plan to go to Our Secret Spot with a male FWB and I am Bi. Do they use arm bands to indentify if you are bi?


  • wanderlustQLD


    2 years ago

    I was just there this weekend. It's super social and friendly. You 💯 don't need an armband! Tell them it's your first visit and have a host show you around. Great spot 🥳

  • Laria


    2 years ago

    When do you plan on going to OSS?

  • ActingupSH


    2 years ago

    Been there a couple of times too. Great spot 😉. Although armbands would be a good idea

  • 68Monkeys


    2 years ago

    Consent is and always will be a big thing at OSS.