First time Sex party
January 26 2023
This year I decided to take it forward - to go group. After a few chats with some interesting women/men/couples on rhp, I got invited to a group Sex party. Now, I ve said yes and I do wanna go. However, the whole idea is new and frankly I am quite nervous.
Are there any dos and donts? I will be seeing a group of men and women naked around a naked me! How do I deal with this situation - mentally prepare
2 years ago
Be sober. Turn up. If you don't like it, leave.
Really simple.RHP User
2 years ago
Very simple keep an open mind and go with the flow if its a private party there will be couples single girls and a small select group of single guys and in a lot of cases you could be invited to join in a 3some with a couple if you are just let them know your not bi most are pretty understanding and won't pressure you. And get used to seeing hard cocks because they will be there
2 years ago
Great question.
1. Discuss the rules and guidelines first with the organizers, even if you have to met them prior.
2. Consent is a must, always ask first before you even touch a lady. Accept if she or others say, No. If you are unsure, take that as a NO. Don't be pushy.
3. Safe: be Safe, play safe and most of all use safe condoms. Absolutely no sleathing. Change condoms between partners and Anal to vagina.
4. Observe others in the room, but don't stand over hoovering.
5. Don't under any circumstances record or take photos.
6. Most of all respect peoples privacy. If you see a anyone from the play out afterwards in the community, leave it at that. There's no, "Hey dude how was that orgy the other night, that chick wanted it, what a slut". Just hell No! No degrading women afterwards, even to your mates. Not even discussing others men's dicks. That's just weird.
I'm sure there's more..don't be scared, just be respectful. 🙏
Ms Foxybadboyhere
2 years ago
The nakedness will only occur after there has been some socialising which will be first 3-4 hours. Don’t set your expectations that you will be invited to take your clothes off. At best expect that you get to chat to some people and if they like you then you might get your gear off.
2 years ago
And don't forget the advice the group gave you on your other posts recently.... it all applies in every scenario
RHP User
2 years ago
The biggest thing I have found in this community is there is no pressure to do anything.
I have been to a few the first was a goo goo dolls, what a way to enter the scene! Lots of hard cocks and a few ladies. It didn’t take long to realise that they were just hard cocks.
Now standing side by side while a lady took turns sucking me and another guy that was different but it didn’t take long before I couldn’t have cared less 🤣🤣🤣
The other parties I have been to I have just chatted with people. Being the single guy means you are at the bottom of the hierarchy, people need to get to know you and when they feel safe the invitations should come.
As you may have read elsewhere there are guys that behave badly.
Relax, have fun and goodluck ✌️
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