M48 F46
First Timers
July 03 2024
9 months ago
I’m not from Sydney, but a little place I’ve known for a while is Our Secret Spot. Looks like a smaller, intimate place. Good luck!
8 months ago
I just read your post. Please don't feel daunted by going to a swingers club. Our first experience was at a swingers club. It was better than we expected. We went to. 'Newbie Night' we found that the other couples there were friendly supportive and respectful. There was no pressure from anyone to do anything. I know from experience there a Newbie couples who just watch. As for your other question j would suggest a meet and greet or even a private party.
8 months ago
There's no pressure to play at the clubs, we just socialised the first few times. You'll also find meet & greet events around, great way to meet new people.
3 months ago
Commercial clubs seem to have more watchers than players nowadays
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