

M53 F50

First Gang Bang

March 22 2020

Hi guys first time posting on here so be gentle please. Mrs is talking about and wanting to participate in having 3-4 guys and myself pleasure her so I guess a gang bang but mrs wants it under my instruction and control. Has anyone had any experience In W.A with the guys in the group search on here or is there a better way to organise this.

I support mrs 100% with wanting to try this but also have questions in my own head how to feel about it, whether I’ll feel inadequate afterwards because I’m sure I won’t last like the other guys will. Any tricks to handle the thoughts and emotions that go with this big step. Thanks


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I too would like to know more about this.
    It’s always been something I’ve discussed with my partner that I would like to experience but I’m not sure how I would feel like after. I’m worried my partner will look at me different or that I would feel like the biggest slut LOL!!’

    We have had male threesomes and girl threesomes which have been amazing with no jealousy on both sides.

    Would love to hear about people who have done the gang bang thing and any feedback they could give me.

    Thank you 🤗

  • Playful2looking


    5 years ago

    remember your wife loves you doesn't matter how good the other guys are. she is married to you and trusts you to look after her. Of course there will always be bigger and better cocks than you but.. she wants to share this with you. Have a safe word to stop things if either of you do not enjoy whats happening.. after the gang.. bang cuddle and reclaim your love for each other... she may not feel like more sex with you because she may be exhausted... just make love not sex ..hugg and kiss talk the next and talk

  • Seachell


    5 years ago

    Thanks Bisexualcouple83 we have been talking about it a lot and the emotions that both of us are going to feel afterwards. A safe work is a must for sure, I’m really happy that that mrs can share her fantasies and isn’t scared to talk about her wants.

    Experimentalgirl mrs has brought up up whether I would think she’s a slut for wanting to try this but no she isn’t, if she went and screwed five guys behind my back it might be different but in a committed relationship and want to experiment she might be my dirty little slut but no reason for her to question herself about it.

  • 3SM_Events


    5 years ago

    I’ve organised a few in my time...

  • Sawadee


    5 years ago

    I agree' the fact that Mrs Seachell is talking to you about this shows she cares about how you feel and the importance of your approval. In reality ' it's not as if she wants to run away with the 4 or 5 guys ' moreso its the experience and excitement of how it would feel to have more than just one man pleasuring her at the one time.. l honestly think there's many women who have this fantasy but never act on it for whatever reason ? Once Mrs Sawadee had her first hotwife experience the second was easier but just as exciting . The second time was to try her first plus size cock which i was happy to go along with as i knew it was a physical thing she wanted to try. Like you ' she wanted me close by for safety reasons so l think thats important.

    If you decide it's a goer ' the most important thing is to agree to accept whatever the outcome.. After all ' its about filling a fantasy , which may only happen once in a lifetime ? Good luck...

  • Tall74nHard9


    5 years ago

    Mr Seachell, at 48 you're wondering how you'll feel - if you'll feel inadequate afterwards ?
    How long have you 2 been together - only a couple of months ???
    You should have been able to sort out your insecurities in life by now.

  • Seachell


    5 years ago

    Hi tall n hard, we have been together for nearly three and a half years but been friends for over twenty years so know each other very well, as for the insecurities yes have sorted out most of them but this is completely different to anything experienced before so I guess it’s more questions than insecurity. I’ve never shared a lady before and especially with multiple other guys.

    So I believe my questions are well founded and I don’t believe there is such a thing as a stupid question. People ask a question to get an answer and learn. So that why I asked

  • lindos


    5 years ago


    My wife's gangbang was organised by a trusted friend who vetted the guys involved, so we were comforted in the fact there wasn't going to be any idiots there. Only takes one to ruin the whole experience.
    She had an amazing time and it was one of the few times she has orgasmed vaginally.
    A couple of the guys were well endowed and all pretty fit.
    I wasn't jealous or intimidated by the fact they were larger or better bodies than me, I just found it very erotic and exciting that she was enjoying herself.
    It's hard to know how you'll feel until it happens but was a great experience for us.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Finding the right guys is the problem

    They forget to respect the male as well as the female, remember her is part of the equation thats allowing this to happen

    Good luck finding guys who think it's all about you and not all about them

    Wish you luck because when it's good it's really good

  • Tall74nHard9


    5 years ago

    Thanks for your response.
    I get what you have put down, but overall there still appears to be an amount of reluctance on your (Mr) part.Have the two of you really had a full and honest discussion about wanting a gang bang, and if so, have both of you really come to an honest conclusion ? Or is it more that one of you is more wishing this to occur more than the other, and the other is afraid to speak up ?
    If you are both really on the same page, then as Cantseeynot has alluded to, it's then about the respect you have for one another. Take it slowly - check out the list of likely guys (if you can find any), meet them somewhere (if that's possible anymore), and ask questions and see how comfortable you both feel about them. Once you've got your wished for number of lads, then take it further.
    Good luck with your quest.

  • DonnaBrett


    5 years ago

    We have been involved in many gang bangs...great fun. Wife has had several over the years most was 8 guys. Had a ball...well 16 balls to be exact lol. If your lady is having fun there is nothing to be jealous or intimidated about. I have been to other gang bangs without wife...some were over 50 guys on one girl.....Insane and fun but the girls must always be in control and call the shots. That is the main thing.

  • Mischeviouslad


    5 years ago

    Tall..... I think your comment is rather offensive. And certainly insensitive.

    While we may think we have all of life's issues covered, an individual’s insecurities may lay dormant for decades, only to be brought to the surface by trauma, anxiety, disruption, extraordinary circumstances, or a perceived challenge to ones identity

    I think it shows good self awareness that the author is considering how an experience “may” affect him instead of dismissively believing it cant have a negative impact, at any age

    Good for you Seachell.


  • Tall74nHard9


    5 years ago

    Of course you'd think something like that. You've never agreed with anything I write down - that's just par for the course with you, and I accept that....

  • Mischeviouslad


    5 years ago

    Well..... clearly I just proved my point about insecurities only needing a challenge to ones identity to come bubbling to the surface

    Exhibit A 👆

    Well done


  • Tall74nHard9


    5 years ago

    ML, is as I have said time and time again - you shouldn't be on anything listed as adult, because you simply don't qualify, which you have proven over and over again.

  • Naughty1


    5 years ago

    I’m love to meeting someone who love to play for my first timers

  • Mischeviouslad


    5 years ago


    Thank you for sharing your insecurities Exhibit B, above

    At 62(?) “You should have been able to sort out your insecurities in life by now”

    Carry on.

    Because...... you will


  • Tall74nHard9


    5 years ago

    Just yours - you can't leave well enough alone when you should.
    But then again you just don't know better - which is why you shouldn't be here.

  • 69tattoorob


    5 years ago

    Quoting 'DonnaBrett'
    We have been involved in many gang bangs...great fun. Wife has had several over the years most was 8 guys. Had a ball...well 16 balls to be exact lol. If your lady is having fun there is nothing to be jealous or intimidated about. I have been to other gang bangs without wife...some were over 50 guys on one girl.....Insane and fun but the girls must always be in control and call the shots. That is the main thing. That was a problem we encountered once when the wife lost control and couldn't stop what was happening to her I was not there as away working so was organised by one of her good friends and was going to be recorded for my viewing later anyway it was suppose to be five men invited but arriving on the yacht there was a lot more her count was fifteenth men and one other girl. It started off good with only the five men about one hour into it changed as the others started to join in now she was getting hard fucked like never before they all had multiple shots leaving her very sore it lasted for over five hours of consent poundings before they started leaving two men and the other girl showered her dressed her and took her home giving the videos that was recorded. Telling me that she couldn't walk straight for two days after having pain to her vagina and arse from the poundings they gave her we haven't watched the videos yet but telling me that she never wants to be gang banged again I agree one day with her permission I will send it to be played here for all to enjoy

  • Hotasianwife


    5 years ago

    Hello, I have had a few creampie gangbangs for my wife with 12-15 men each time. The secret is to have rules and the men vetted so they are respectful and of good character. Also they are DD free. I had a man that organised this with my consultation. They were wonderful gangbangs and everyone had a great time. They do take a fair degree of organisation though.

  • Mctag9


    5 years ago

    I'm in a GB group and we arrange GBs to meet the ladies fantasy, we get off on the lady coming out of her shell and realising her fantasy, it is vital the lady (and her partner) feels respected and safe to really enjoy themselves.
    It is so awesome to see a lady release her inhibitions and act out her carnal desires - often the lady's come back again for more fun!! :)
    Seachell happy to put you in contact with the organiser if you're keen?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Its been a while now. How did it go? Or are you still planning? Interested in your experiences as it's on the to do list.

  • lookin4fun2346


    3 years ago

    So….. any update. Read all the forum chats then it never came to conclusion.. I need to know…. 😂

  • Onemustry


    3 years ago

    My husband and I usually play with bi male but recently have been turned on by 3 men and myself ( me being the wife talking) we both want to participate and know ultimately it is for our pleasure
    I used to think it was slutty and degrading but after watching porn similar to our fantasy my way of thinking totally flipped. The woman holds the power in the dynamics of the group. Slutty is all relative is it not. If you enjoy the experience why negatively judge yourself

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Hi Seashells
    We have also been talking about a gangbang but dure to our location and work commitments have found it very hard to act on such a beautiful fantasy,
    We have also talk at length about how each of us feels about the situation and how to control the situation if needed,
    Finding the right guys has also been a little troubling as well,
    Good luck hope to hear some positive feedback, 😀

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    You should have a trip to Melbourne and she can enjoy our discreet experienced group, you could make it a surprise for her.

  • misslily


    2 years ago

    Hey Seachell I’m definitely invested in your wife’s journey now I’ve read through it !

    In one part of your original post you asked about others lasting longer

    I haven’t had a gang bang , definitely a fantasy favourite though

    But when I’ve had met ups you can tell the guys have cleaned the pipes beforehand .
    If it goes through just enjoy the moment & see the happiness on your wife’s face .