RHP User

RHP User

M41 F39

Finding genuine couples!!

September 26 2022

It’s almost impossible for us!
For years we have tried to find the right couples - we always get close but then they drop off once we ask for a cam meet first.
I know we are picky in our write up but that’s also to help in not wasting couples time.
Any advice?


  • ddlbm


    3 years ago

    I ( female) just read your profile and tbh it comes across very self-centred. Maybe try to inject some humour into your profile. 🤷‍♀️

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Are all the couples you talk to verified? That could be something worth looking into as they might not have been fake. there also seems to be a plague of so called "Couples" that arent actually couples and just a single male. Plenty of evidence in the chat - speakoing of which if you havent gotten in there its a better way to talk to other couples rather than through messaging.

  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    Soft swapping can be a hard sell to experienced swinging couples. Maybe seek out more newbies, such as yourself. I'd suggest attending some events. Best way to meet people and build up your network. Good luck x

  • Ex007


    2 years ago

    2 of your public photos are restricted so can not be seen by guests. Your profile is very plain and tells the reader nothing about you.

    Delete the suggested text that stuff is absolutely rubbish. Personally, I interpret the use of suggested text as
    1 being lazy, the profile owner can’t be bothered
    2 the profile owner probably doesn’t have a brain.

    It’s great that RHP has suggested text because it helps me sort the rubbish.

    If you’re wanting people to connect with you, you need to give them something to connect to. This usually happens by people having similar interests outside of the bedroom.

    Hope this helps

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    There's a few deal breakers and some other concerns that would put us off.

    For starters we're a full swap couple, nothing wrong with being soft swap only but it's just not for us

    Second the whole "must be open to play with me" is a little demanding, my partner isn't bisexual but she is heteroflexible and will play with women if she's really turned on and there's a good vibe. your profile implies that its expected which might create a bit of negative dynamic.

    Third there is very little info about you both. Who are you? What do you do? Why are you interested in swinging? All questions people like to know.

    Forth where is the man in your life?! there's no description and no photos. Most couples want there to be a mutual attraction between all parties and won't "take one for the team" If we see a profile where the guy isn't shown we usually don't bother messaging as it avoids the awkward situation of messaging back and forth and then having to turn them down once we see a picture of the guy and there isn't an attraction.

    Fifth We have never cammed any of the couples we've met however we could see how it might be a bit intimidating. My partner wants to meet people when she's dressed to kill with Hollywood hair! She doesn't want to see you after she's finished work in poor light and wearing 17 pairs of pyjamas.

    We've met some awesome couples on here some of whom we regularly play with so they're definitely out there! hope this helps you to find some.

  • Margo_Lover


    2 years ago

    As fellow soft swappers, we can confirm it's not so easy to find couples interested in playing. Most have a cock goes in or we don't play policy & it's good they're up front about that.

    We've had an instance where the hubs agreed to a dinner with potential play, only to have the wife message and confirm we're still soft swapping. When she heard she's not getting fucked, she cancelled :) And a few other similar incidents. (I wonder, if we were full swap... did I have a choice of fucking her or not? Doesn't seem like it.)

    As others have mentioned, more info about you guys would be great, and it's critical to include pics of the male in a couple. Otherwise everyone assumes he's letting the team down. (Not pics of him wearing a long sleeve shirt, hat and sun glasses either... so essentially none of him can be seen.)

    We've never done a cam meet either. Margo doesn't like the idea, as she'd want to get all dressed up & made up just to be on camera. And she just doesn't like video chatting. We've done numerous phone meets before though.

    Finally, Margo loves playing with women, but I don't think she's up for being fucked with a strap-on. That may be turning away many potential play mates too?

    After saying all that... we still struggle to find people we're attracted to, who actually want to meet.

    Good luck, Alex (Mr).

  • teamaj2


    2 years ago

    Nothing wrong with knowing what you seek . I wouldn’t call that picky .
    For us , I have to agree with a few other comments . We don’t do video chat .We are happy to chat on the phone to verify we are a couple . No one has actually ever asked us to do cam chat . It’s one of your deal breakers and that is okay . Your boundaries are your boundaries.
    Maybe attending a venue maybe of help . You can see instantly if you are attracted.
    Couples compared to finding a single M or F , from our past experiences can be tricky . Four different people all with their own individual needs and levels of attraction. No one wants or should take one for the team .
    Good luck . Hope you find what you seek . Ax

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    i notice on your profile you have a lot of friends which i am guessing you have met very few if any of them i suggest you delete them its putting the wrong signals across in regard to your post here. To anyone who is a soft swap this makes you appear to be a more hardened swapper

  • TheNLMevents


    2 years ago

    yes, we find the usual "fake couples" thing online which gets annoying and of course, genuine couples often have other commitments, work schedules and family commitments that can make it hard to meet socially to see if there is chemistry. We are more often now turning to meet and greets as we find cutting through the digital noise and actually meeting people is the most fruitful course of action. We attend some parties where we meet other couples that can eventuate in more intimate get togethers. It really is patience and of course, quality over quantity. We are a couple and never "take one for the team" and expect the same of those we meet, so sometimes, it really boils down to if everyone is attracted to each other and wants to escalate to play. If not, no harm, no foul and such is life.

  • badboyhere


    2 years ago

    Agree with some of the other comments here after checking your profile. Where are the guy pics? Soft swap on RHP rates just above married guys in the pecking order (and we are last preference). You should be prepared for a very long path before you have success

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Thank you for all your advice- much appreciated and will definitely update our profile
    If you do come across any couples that sound like what we are searching for - be sure to send them our way xx