Feeling for her still

August 24 2024

Hi I've just seperated from a long time lover and still have feelings for her like,I can't seem to let her go, I've not made love to another in months and feel this has hurt my ability to see another, I need to sleep with another I feel to break that bond , is this true, as I still can't find it in me to hit on snoy


  • Felicitous


    7 months ago

    Who looks outside, dreams.
    Who looks inside, awakens.
    Carl Jung

    I'd say filling 'her' gap with another is redundant.

    Try to pursue what makes you happy, something that gives you joy - separate to another being responsible for such things.
    Easier said then done believe me I know...
    But once you invest in yourself - work on yourself, another will come along that is better suited and you'll be able to let go.

    It's always painfully challenging when what you had with someone dissolves on their end before it has on yours. I do believe everything happens for a reason and perhaps the best is yet to come 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Hope that helps!

  • EarthQueen


    7 months ago

    I'm not really in the get under someone to get over them camp. I think its important to heal and grieve the past love. It's ok if that takes time. The deeper the feeling the deeper the wound. I tend to busy myself with non-sexual pursuits and experience new things, meet new people with no expectations. I feel you can tell in yourself when you are ready to move into a new relationship. Even if it's just sexual. It feels right rather than forced, fun rather than an obligation that you think you should do.

  • gazpacho


    7 months ago

    Mate, if you need to go on a weekend trip, hire a renter. You don’t have to search for the perfect car.

  • No_probLlama68


    7 months ago

    I don’t think that’s necessarily true, it hurts when you lose someone you care about…what’s more important is that you process it fully within yourself - doesn’t matter how long it takes - so you don’t take that baggage into the next relationship.

  • MrandMrsEss


    7 months ago

    Sounds like a bit of life there, we all go through pain when we lose something we care about but we have the ability to process, grieve, accept and get on with life. Fucking someone just because you want to get over someone else doesn't seem like a great choice to me though