Fantasy of a dom
March 26 2024
I never thought I'd be into it but I'm dying to try it.
I'm still at the stage where I need to find myself a proper dom. Who is rough and takes what belongs to him but is also caring and sweet and fierce about protecting and providing for what is his.
a year ago
Cnc is in essence exactly that the dom taking what is his, what he wants , an experienced Dom knows how to nurture and console after engaging in rough play , great fantasy btw 👌
RHP User
a year ago
A primal fantasy. It's good to let those dormant / suppressed thoughts surface and to explore and entertain them.
Be mindful of why and how you go about it. If this comes from a place of insecurity and issues of self-worth then you risk falling for someone without proper diligence taking place. There's a difference between a dominant who takes their pleasure from your willingness to give and be vulnerable versus just having a rough fuck and not really caring about the emotional element.
It's also a two way street. What do you offer in return - is this something you're aware of or does it need piecing together? Are you on a pathway to growth and development? Do you wish to use this as a therapeutic exercise?
How ill you respect and care for their needs if they can give you what you want?
Being up front about where you are and what you wish to earn from this experience will be extremely helpful to your next partner.Hotwife71
a year ago
So you mean a Husband.
What man is going to pay child suppor, willingly for 18 years for a ONS. Maybe in the US where some states have that relinquish all rights garbage.EarthQueen
a year ago
I'm not very experienced with this but have had one person where we did role-play some of what you describe. I ended up not meeting him after the first time because he didn't listen to me in the way I needed. It was unfortunate because the one and only experience was incredible. But I also found it challenging to negotiate the terms of how to go with this dynamic. Because you want to be told what to do but then you have to make sure he is listening to your boundaries and switching between the two can be challenging? In the end, after trying a few mores times to meet ,I realised he wasn't going to make me feel safe enough to continue so I stopped any further interactions. To find that person who is going to do both of what you seek may be hard. No idea where to find one. I would be sceptical at most. Very much try to tap into your intuition and ask questions and state your hard limits. Psychologically it can make you feel conflicted and/or challenged.
To answer the safe sex questions for me its role-play only with safe sex included. But again, you need to be very clear what you consent too. What you want and don't want. How he ensures your needs will be respected in situation where part of the fantasy is that they kind of aren't is the hard part.
Ragnar Prime makes some good points .
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