Fantasy land
November 20 2014
One of mine is to arrive at a house dressed in a figure hugging short dress and lacy lingerie. I want to see the look in my dates eyes and feel their hands as they treat me like their little lady before I turn the tables on them and have them do my bidding before they get sexual gratification.
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
10 years ago
Isn't that what fantasies are for?
I have played out many and and have more to go.MsSuperFoxy
10 years ago
Why not?? Foxy
RHP User
10 years ago
Good relationships are built on trust, respect and mutual interests. Just find someone with mutually interesting fantasies and you'll find it'll be hard to keep them in your head ;) Though don't go forgetting the first two, otherwise they won't be nearly as good when played out.
10 years ago
I don't keep my fantasies in my head, I explore them, live them, enjoy them and fine more to fantasise about...and do it all over again.....💋
10 years ago
between fantasy and reality in my head. My whole life is about living them, then changing them so I'm always striving for something a little out of reach. Stretch a little or a lot to live it. Enjoy that moment when fantasy and reality become one for that brief moment in time. Live is too vanilla to not and to be stuck in this world without fantasy would be for me, incomprehensible. To not live your fantasies would be doing your soul a huge injustice. So come on board. It's an express train to anywhere you want...
RHP User
10 years ago
Both, as a couple of mine, if I carried them out, would probably give me a heart attack!
10 years ago
.... we would never achieve anything.
Fantasy is mental creativity. You have the choice to act on it or not.
I say (usually).... act.
Don't die wondering.AnnieWhichway
10 years ago
Quoting 'Kokoflamingo' Both, as a couple of mine, if I carried them out, would probably give me a heart attack! As i said, get on board, the Anywhichway express departs shortly..............
RHP User
10 years ago
They are some thing want to do not keep them in your head otherwise you may as well call them a dream. A thought that will may mever come to life unless you act on them. People act on fantasies but a dream will always be a dream.
RHP User
10 years ago
Live out that Fantasy! as long as laws such as human liberties are not broken.
& persons involved have an understanding and are on the same page.
KOKO - maybe you should work progressively towards those fantasies slowly....that way your heart attack is not so big ;)RHP User
10 years ago
But what a way to go ! I think you should live them if you have the opportunity for sure. But some are bound to go untried, no regrets, onward and upward !
RHP User
10 years ago
if you fantasise about fucking your dog, then maybe you should think twice about that and it depends if you are ready also, I have had a few instances where a threesome has ended badly because the couple was not ready for it.
It is all good to say yeah go for it but there are good reasons for not just jumping in because the opportunity arises. I think some fantasies are quite basic and easily lived out and others need to be more considered.RHP User
10 years ago
and found out they are never as good as what's in the creative mind. Not saying they were bad , just missing some of the finer points thats all. In your mind's eye you can create whatever you want making them faultless. So some fantasy's I prefer leave alone, not that they are bad in anyway, just like to leave well enough alone..
RHP User
10 years ago
Hey all. Obviously I'm sub and a weekend being restrained in a dungeon with a domme doing all sorts of tings is right up there. However im not sure reality would match the fantasy, but only one way to find out! However last time I was with someone in the middle of sex they suggested something that they would like me to do. Its not even dirty at all, just a simple act, but its been the one things that's stuck in my head for the last month or so. I think maybe different people awaken different thoughts in you?
RHP User
10 years ago
Hey all. Obviously I'm sub and a weekend being restrained in a dungeon with a domme doing all sorts of tings is right up there. However im not sure reality would match the fantasy, but only one way to find out! However last time I was with someone in the middle of sex they suggested something that they would like me to do. Its not even dirty at all, just a simple act, but its been the one things that's stuck in my head for the last month or so. I think maybe different people awaken different thoughts in you?
RHP User
10 years ago
I've got maybe one or two untried fantasies left but I'm working extra hard to make them eventuate. I love living out my fantasies and helping my wife (and others too!) live out her's.
In fact that's been our thing lately is sending each other a fantasy and then the other trying to make it eventuate. So sexy, thrilling and fun!
- Posted from rhpmobileWild_Pagan_Love
10 years ago
Quoting 'Kokoflamingo' Both, as a couple of mine, if I carried them out, would probably give me a heart attack!
Do tell ;)RHP User
10 years ago
"Should fantasies stay in your head or should they be lived out? Do they live up to expectations when you do? "
Stating the obvious- if you discuss fantasies with your partner, they may be common to you both.In which case if you both are keen and think you can both handle the consequences -then get to it!
Usually one partner isn't so keen so it requires careful negotiation to find out what they can handle.
Role play is excellent for people testing their boundaries in small steps, and if it goes OK then maybe it could lead to the real situation.
The important thing is not to rush things before both parties are ready.
(If you make a mistake you can't unfuck someone)
And yes reality can be as good as fantasy...
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