Fairly new

July 30 2021

Hi all RHP members, just liked to say hello, I have been here a few times but never as member. I recently separated and looking forward some company and or new friends mainly on the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane area. If anyone has any tips on profile or how to make an establishment first impression please let me know. Thank you all.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Hi, welcome 😊

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Hi there. Not so long ago I parted company with my ex and duscovered this wonderful new world. I hope you have a blast! Really like your pictures. Good luck

  • 2EssesExploring


    4 years ago

    Your profile is nice, great to see a smiling photo as most guys think giving a smouldering angry face look is the way to go which scarred my Mrs off right away. Having said that, your smiling photo is a bit goofy, I think not helped by wide angled stretching effect. It’s ok but people are extra fickle when scanning profiles. I’d suggest ditching that and replacing with another easy going smiling photo.
    Good luck and hope you find what you’re looking for.

  • FeistyFatty


    4 years ago

    Welcome back. Best of luck 👍

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 years ago


    I like your profile name. It's sweeeet as!
    Ms Foxy