Ever do role play meets?
January 25 2013
RHP User
12 years ago
I personally would never arrange something like that for a first meet, simply because you really have no guarantee - no matter how many messages you've exchanged, how many pics you've seen, or how many times you've talked on the phone - that someone's online persona is an accurate reflection of who they are in real life. People lie all the time online....about anything and everything, it's an unfortunate side effect that goes with the territory. In addition, particularly for women, there are safety issues to consider and I would never invite a guy to my house for a first meet, or go to their house (I have in the past and luckily haven't had any issues but I'm more careful now). A bit of role playing could certainly be hot (I haven't delved into this much myself) but I'd need to know someone fairly well before getting into stuff like that with them.
RHP User
12 years ago
but i have been known to lay naked , blindfolded....waiting to hear the unlocked door click closedstill dont know what he looked like............damn he felt good tho very friken hot
RHP User
12 years ago
Now that is a hot story. I would do that with men I know. Love being tied up and blindfolded. HAWT!
RHP User
12 years ago
Would love my foxy pussy to be rescued by a sexy HAWT Fireman... Many thanks would be given in return!!! F*ck yeah :-) :-) - Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
12 years ago
...and everything seemed to be perfectly arranged. I was to wait in the trees in a park along the Yarra for a woman walking barefooted carrying her sandals wearing a peasant dress covered in flowers and tortoise shell CC sunglasses...the plan of course was to simply take her by the hand and pull her back into a place in the trees out of view, you know the rest.Put down as a 'no'...I should have waited for the second one.
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'DontLookDown' Put down as a 'no'...I should have waited for the second one. Gold!!!
RHP User
12 years ago
RHP User
12 years ago
Damn DontLookDown, so what happened then? Seems like a pretty particular description of the girl :/ Missbowpeek, that does sound hot but also very risky, if you didn't know what he looked like how did you arrange it? Profile with no picture?
RHP User
12 years ago
Damn DontLookDown, so what happened then? Seems like a pretty particular description of the girl :/ Missbowpeek, that does sound hot but also very risky, if you didn't know what he looked like how did you arrange it? Profile with no picture?
RHP User
12 years ago
I prefer the more contemporary scripts. eg"Inconsiderate Dick."Staring me.. :) and some big titted 18 year old.Come in, from nowhere, unannounced, forget her name, remind her of how too old she is and that she is letting her self go. She gags on my cock, I blow on her tits. Raid the fridge, spill red wine on the carpet, leave the toilet seat up, fart. Then exit with a labored smile saying "You owe me one, baby." All the while with my mp3 earphones on so I don't have hear her whinge.LOL, oh if only a dream.
RHP User
12 years ago
no profile pics.......well no faces anyway....just body shots as i have currentllywe chatted...ended up exchanging poetry actually...written for each other in response to the othersyou get a pretty good gut feeling from chatting with someone.........started out with no intent of meeting.....i enjoy the strangers aspect of meeting someone..................so i suggested how it would play outmy idea, my setting, he was more frightened that I............still remember his trembling first touches have done it more than once..............but then you will all start to think im very naughty and non sensical ! lolfreelance peekin
RHP User
12 years ago
yes.... we've role played... on more than one occasion...... and had a truckload of fun while we did....have we included anyone else? well, yea... we have. the specifics will stay secret...lol...but a fine time was had by all......
RHP User
12 years ago
RHP User
12 years ago
Inspirit i am keen
12 years ago
It was Really hot
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'lovingdfun76' Inspirit i am keen U keep saying and sooooo i keep teasing did I not mention it in an email
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'inspirit' Quoting 'lovingdfun76' Inspirit i am keen U keep saying and sooooo i keep teasing did I not mention it in an email
RHP User
12 years ago
as I stated in an email ... i do not meet married men in an excluded place and in particular with a stranger at that. Playing with fire is not really my cup of tea as I also stated. Now.... if you were open and up front that would be entirely different.
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'inspirit'as I stated in an email ... i do not meet married men in an excluded place and in particular with a stranger at that. Playing with fire is not really my cup of tea as I also stated. Now.... if you were open and up front that would be entirely different. Not sure were this is going but I also enjoy role play on the first encounter, happy to assist if you require a tradie around your house to repair that leaking tap or your car needs a lube and service. I love short skirts so I can peak a bit of that goodness. Looking forward to it, enjoy any other takers??I am open and honest as per my profile...
RHP User
12 years ago
I drove over to a guy's house in a sexy flamenco dancer outfit.... sexy, lacy corsetted dress that showed tons of cleavage and suspenders and stockings. It was a hit with groups of guys on a night out that pulled up in the car beside me! I was hoping I wouldn't get pulled up for a breath test.. actually I was. I would of loved to see their face as they walked up to my window.
RHP User
12 years ago
grant me patience pleeeeeeeeeeease
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'Blindman67'I prefer the more contemporary scripts. eg "Inconsiderate Dick." Staring me.. :) and some big titted 18 year old. Come in, from nowhere, unannounced, forget her name, remind her of how too old she is and that she is letting her self go. She gags on my cock, I blow on her tits. Raid the fridge, spill red wine on the carpet, leave the toilet seat up, fart. Then exit with a labored smile saying "You owe me one, baby." All the while with my mp3 earphones on so I don't have hear her whinge. LOL, oh if only a dream. I sat on my glasses and broke them five minutes before you got there and farrrk that fart are you eating dog food now?
RHP User
12 years ago
I keep setting the house on fire, but the fuckers arrive to late, so the bed is now in flames...sigh police...I drive fast and hope to get pulled over and fucked all I get is a ticket! I lay back with chocolate spread over my body naked , waiting for mr RHP and fucking ants get to me first, and it turns out mr RHP is on a lactose free diet I go to a meet and greet with no panties and slip over in a puddle and show my fresh waxed flange to the people eating a fresh Flan at the corner cafe. I go to a persons house dressed as a maid, and the fucker hands me a vacum cleaner. no Grasshopper I do not roll play as I cant get insurance anymore.
RHP User
12 years ago
... started chatting with a gent on here who suggested I give him my address and he would just walk in and find me masturbating. Tempting... but no.
RHP User
12 years ago
I have organised a role play meet and it turned out fabulously.It was my first time meeting him, I had only seen one photo. We met at an exclusive bar for a wine and then retreated to his hotel room when he started to get rough with me. We had planned a 'play rape' scenario. Whilst it was definitely not full on or accurate to life, it still served it's purpose - of having a sexy stranger do bad things to me.I'd love to organise more, but I'd struggle if I had to put on an act as well (ie. being a lonely housewife, or a cleaner etc.)Would be much easier in my opinion if the man did the acting and was good at it!
RHP User
12 years ago
Role play is a must. We role play all the time. It give such a heightened sexual experience. They say imagination makes the world go round.
RHP User
12 years ago
Quoting 'buttsylicious' I have organised a role play meet and it turned out fabulously.It was my first time meeting him, I had only seen one photo. We met at an exclusive bar for a wine and then retreated to his hotel room when he started to get rough with me. We had planned a 'play rape' scenario. Whilst it was definitely not full on or accurate to life, it still served it's purpose - of having a sexy stranger do bad things to me.I'd love to organise more, but I'd struggle if I had to put on an act as well (ie. being a lonely housewife, or a cleaner etc.)Would be much easier in my opinion if the man did the acting and was good at it! it's too bad you're in victoria!I'm sorry, flirting in forums is probably in bad taste :P
RHP User
12 years ago
Hi all Im new. This would be so damn hot! Lying in wait while blindfolded would also be amazing too but a tad dangerous. Now I want to shag a random tradesman.
RHP User
12 years ago
It dose work, can take a hell of a lot of planning, or as turns out in our exp anyway u can achieve a equal result by letting it just happen. U actually have to consider the effort and want of all parties involved. Scary, erotic, satisfying, simulating and more offen than not it turns out a cluster fuck. But every exp had is one gained, it's up to u how you learn from it. Then the other side of coin is some don't care and the bad is the same as the good those r the types of people who have a burning urge to just live life that way instead of being able to sample it befor comiting, were all geared differently, and we all have the right to get off, that's a small part of what makes it such a cool world and life to live
RHP User
12 years ago
As a cpl we find arranged meets with other role playing cpls & mixed singles better for the guys. When we 1st started it was a game to find each other a classic random, we would each pick a role and try and seduce the unknowing target, to add excitement we always hid to film the other in action. We went turn for turn and the score ended up - my partner a perfect 12 out of 12 seduction roles by different men, all tradies, pizza dilvery guy, gardeners and a pool cleaner that really gave it to her. I got 1 out of 12. A cute little real estate agent that enjoyed being choked while held against a wall and fucked in the arse from behind, but that was it for that trail. As a cpl we got both lists and advertised and re-done each role together with other cpls and mixed singles, the score worked out 12 all, that was a few yrs ago, we have a more complex role play dynamic now, and have been adding each section of our home amateur collection with cpls and singles we have made a bond with over the years, enjoying a professional public and private approach to our group encounters, and we all agree its always good to go back to the classic roles, doing the boss or his wife, the dilvery person, maids and house cleaners, babysitters, students, next door neighbours, police officers, fire men, personal trainers, park rangers and my fav classic is two competitive sisters sunbathing and flirting with the pool guy
RHP User
12 years ago
I am sure we have thrown a few of our fantasies your way maybe they were too hardcore for you. You know where we are if you have ideas that can gel with ours Matt &,Jasmine - Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
11 years ago
not that im wicked or anything
but i have been known to lay naked , blindfolded....waiting to hear the unlocked door click closed
I like that scenario but with a lover that my man have carefully selected and I would probably like my man to be present watching....
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Have met several people and role played. Very nice and hot indeed. I think it's thrilling feeling to meet someone of rhp and play. Have been to the beach, garages, cars. Here and there and everywhere. Hot encounters that leaves you breathless yum,yum.
RHP User
11 years ago
but still frinds in RL... I messeged her... she replied..we messaged each other a couple fo times one night.. Iasked her "Relative" location, which she gave me.. so, I chose aplace I thougtht was CLOSE be her... not even sure is she was even a she... and said... "I will be across the road from such-and-such a park tomorrow night at 8pm sharp for 5 minutes only, on a black harley... the motor will be running... walk up and "climb on the pillion seat"I waited.. i saw she had read the email.. Next day I got a reply "1030pm"I turned up.. so did she... I didn't turn to look at her as she stepped over the bike..we rode for about an hour, and found ourselves parked on a beachfront carpark.. She stayed snuggled into my back for a few moments.. then we walked to the water.. Sex was great.. And we still get together every now and again :)
RHP User
11 years ago
Just do everything just to meet someone in person . Accept them for who they are.. Learn how to trust a little bit no one can tell and know if she was your destiny or not ... Right ...!!
11 years ago
Quoting 'cavey50' but still frinds in RL... I messeged her... she replied..we messaged each other a couple fo times one night.. Iasked her "Relative" location, which she gave me.. so, I chose aplace I thougtht was CLOSE be her... not even sure is she was even a she... and said... "I will be across the road from such-and-such a park tomorrow night at 8pm sharp for 5 minutes only, on a black harley... the motor will be running... walk up and "climb on the pillion seat"I waited.. i saw she had read the email.. Next day I got a reply "1030pm"I turned up.. so did she... I didn't turn to look at her as she stepped over the bike..we rode for about an hour, and found ourselves parked on a beachfront carpark.. She stayed snuggled into my back for a few moments.. then we walked to the water.. Sex was great.. And we still get together every now and again :) Mr Luvsilver
RHP User
11 years ago
We love role-playing and getting dressed to fit the part, we have done most one-on-one role-plays but we want to do the threesome's with another girl, maybe pretend to catch him cheating with her and then me begging to join in as the chick is so bloody hot and has bigger tits then me .....
RHP User
11 years ago
I love role plays. A tradie who has to strip off to cool down, flexing his muscles or muscle while he works ... a computer technician repairing my laptop, getting a lap dance..... a submissive who wanted me to watch him shower and then order him to do naughty but delicious things to and for me .... so many scenarios and so much fun....yum! SF
RHP User
10 years ago
Well I love the uninhibited straight truth of the lady who started this thread. And the fact of the matter is that there are many women, people more then willing to enter into this type of arrangement. On the other side of the foot I thanks those that were honest and portrayed the fact that wouldn't entertain this idea, as it has made me brutally aware to avoid you like the plague
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
Hey blond-gypsy.
Yes Ive met a role play off rhp. First encounter meeting, and trust me it was real effin hot... its easy to be something your not when you dont know each other, isnt that what role play is all about..
Perhaps we should try it. Hehe
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
Omg my favourite especially when a certain 10nostrings10 comes to town!!!! Mmmmmmmmm Need to be spanked, with a ruler .... Or made to put out a fire !!!!!!! Life is short play hard and love lots those that make U feel special :)
RHP User
10 years ago
....awesome story bud- loved it :-D -It put a smile only face-
RHP User
10 years ago
-On my face-
RHP User
10 years ago
We have on a few occasions brought in randoms .. To tease the single 'random' with the story line / scenario first.( eg - the younger / male - with a cougar.. ... Or bringing in a few 'randoms' while the woman is blindfolded) It heightens the imagination and increases anticipation. Just as much as turning each other on while having sex as a couple. So - its a yes from us.
RHP User
9 years ago
... the body follows.
After several phone conversations and one blurry photo I decided to meet (true story).
Flew interstate... pickup German convertible from Europcar... drove to designated location... parked and sent SMS... I'm here... was she going to be the gorgeous(but blurry) figure in the photo or a derrigable?
A vision appears from around the corner, all in leather... heels, fishnets, pencil skirt and long jacket... short hair like a man... black! Everything I had described to her as my fantasy woman... RED (SCARLET) lips and heavy eye makeup... even false lashes.
I opened the door and she slunk int the seat... no words... and looked across at me... grabbed my tie and pulled me to her... she bit my ear.
She instructed me to go to Kings Cross... parked the car and she walked ahead of me to a bar... two whiskeys latter she took me by the hand... lead me into a sex shop and asked the woman behind the counter to get out all the strappons and place them on the counter. I was to make my choice... I chase the smallest!
Tooo a Hotel room... she left me and went to change. On her return she was wearing latex from top to toe... red and black. I was to oil her latex to make her shine. the joy of rubbing my hands all over this... this Goddess.
Shall we sat the evening was eventful... It involved me doing as I was told, learning how to pleasure her... and satisfying her needs (and along the way there may have been some pleasure for me).
ALL ROLE PLAY... all real... and the next morning I woke up next to a human... not a Goddess... her makeup was all smeared... one lash was half off and we were both mildly hung over... but the morning sex in the shower was great and suitably vanilla... without role play.
She later became a business partner (junior) and we played another role in business.
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