RHP User

RHP User

M55 F46


January 01 2021

I see these fabulous events posted and was really keen to go to one but then I saw the photos of past events. Sure it looks like great fun if you are an 18 year old super model but ... any of you been to one where the old hags like myself get a bit of action too??


  • 2EssesExploring


    4 years ago

    Haha love this post. I just replied to another about the effects of c19 on attending but I think a close second reason for not attending is us feeling we could never feel comfortable flaunting our bits around so much perfection!
    Maybe us old hags should go together with a few bags of chips and just munch away on the sidelines enjoying the view 😂

  • teamaj2


    4 years ago

    Hi there
    I hear you and I can 100% understand where you are coming from . Mind you , in saying that you two look FAR from old hag material.
    Choosing the right event or party to attend is a good start . You being situated far from us , I’ve sadly not a clue about events near you . Asking on the forum , will hopefully gain you some insight .
    It took my husband YEARS to convince me that everyone attending wouldn’t be supermodel material . We took our time prior attending our first ever event . We spoke to the organisers about the age range attending , what to expect , dress code etc . Some events do not embrace MM interaction sadly . Depending on what you seek , just be mindful of that . I won’t lie , it was daunting but we are so pleased we did it . It’s just us , we made the decision if we felt terribly uncomfortable we would leave .
    We found ALL events differ . It’s about finding a crowd of people that fit with you . Some events can be a little clicky as they all know each other and they may not be interested in welcoming newbies . It’s trial and error so to speak . The events we have been to have people of all shapes , sizes and ages . No need to feel intimated.
    Just my thoughts once again , a good host or hosts will offer to show you around the venue and introduce you to people . To my surprise , I have ended up co hosting events and I find people are appreciative of the warm welcome .
    Best to go with ZERO expectations. All experiences, are just that experiences . Lots to be gained from being brave . Good Luck Ax

  • SimplyUs


    4 years ago

    I definitely know what you’re saying and like you we were a little apprehensive when we first started. However having attended a few events over the past couple of years we have found that the reality doesn’t always look like the pictures on the menu (a little “Falling Down” reference). In fact we were pleasantly surprised to find that most in attendance were just regular everyday people like us.

    Like teamaj2, I am not sure you’re “old hag material” just yet, but like us you get that you’re not “18 year old supermodels” either. However you are you and there’s not a lot you can do about it so you need to work what you got and own it (self confidence is very sexy) and focus on those that can appreciate it. We accepted this fact before we even started and is the reason for our username i.e. we are simply us. Also I think you’ll find, as we have, that everyone is different and are looking for different things and as superficial as this scene can be, as people generally aren’t looking for love, a good connection can be just as important, if not more so, than looking pretty.

    Anyway the best thing you can probably do is go along to an event or two or three or four
 and see what happens. Again as teamaj2 said, go with no expectations, talk to people and remember worst comes to absolute worst you can always play with each other, which is one of the benefits of being a couple

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Thanks guys. I’ll get my confidence up and maybe give it a go

  • Mask_007


    4 years ago

    Hi OP. I can definitely understand your point. Maybe we can see that different.
    If all the pictures of the party are full of avarege people nor not so good looking people, would not me considerably a desire to others ro come along.
    People want look at those pictures and wish they are there, together with all those lovely people.
    And by that i would not take much notice of that aspect of the party pictures.

  • badboyhere


    4 years ago

    I think you will find that the 18 year olds don’t even have enough experience to understand the lifestyle so they won’t be there

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 years ago

    We have been to many events. Not once have I seen a supermodel 😓😜.
    Everyone is pretty damn normal.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Its the Instagram effect. The pictures of the event don't reflect the reality of the event, but the image of the event that needs to be portrayed in order to get people to attend.