Erotic massage for Women
December 29 2024
Located in Melbourne
RHP User
3 months ago
Make a couples profile, put up a date and you'll have about 300 offers within a few hours.
Go through them and find someone you like, with validations that they've done that kind of thing before, then go from there.
That's probably how I'd go about it.RHP User
3 months ago
There are male escorts out there. Check out some escort sites and you’ll find them. I know girls who have used them in the past with good experiences recorded.
I haven’t heard of any massage parlours employing guys as I think they all operate independently and the demand is less frequent.GHD999
3 months ago
I offer yoni massage service for ladies and couples but you guys are in the wrong state sadly and my table is to bulkie for carry on.
3 months ago
Yes, we've been there.. Managed to find a guy who matched our criteria and someone we / she was comfortable with, but it takes time and patience. Once you find someone,who tick the right boxes ' organise to meet at a neutral location for a drink and check them out .. You will know within the first 5 to 10 minutes if they match what your looking for if you order that second drink .. Regardless ' dont commit to anything until,you go home and digest everything.. Your wife will make her decision one way or another..,, its her choice..,
3 months ago
Best to leave it up to the Mrs.
Let her choose.
Just google, "MALE ESCORT AGENCY FOR WOMEN" and read reviews. They will most likely speak to her first. You want one that will make her feel safe and understands about 1st time nerves.
After all she's comes first. 😋
Ms FoxyHere4funonly
3 months ago
Happy to help.mate
3 months ago
I've read that south Melbourne day spa have male masseur, but usually massage place don't offer full service. You should call and ask first what they allow and how much you would be allowed to be involved too.
Scarlet Blue is a great site for high class escorts, I've heard good things about Ty Jones and George Goulburn. They are both trained in sensual massage and beyond.
But... there are also plenty of amazing, respectful and lovely guys to choose from here on Rhp. You might just need to do a bit more legwork, but the effort is usually worth it.
Good luck, your partner is a very lucky woman 😍
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