Dress down
May 03 2020
Does anyone know if there are any clubs / Swingers parties in Melbourne where dress down isn’t mandatory?
- Posted from rhpmobile
5 years ago
On the Prowl
Once this uncertain time has passed ‘Allspice ‘ events will resume . They do not require that you dress down .
It’s located in a bar in South East Melbourne .
It’s a very welcoming party in a bar setting , great music , fun crowd ( that is ever changing ) approx between 60 - 100 people . It’s not overwhelming at all and very relaxed . It is open to all ages , all sexual orientations - a non judgmental, relaxed crowd .
There is an upstairs area for play . You are welcome to just watch , never any pressure .
It will be advertised on RHP once it starts again . It’s usually the first or second Saturday of the month .
GoodluckRHP User
5 years ago
Just wondering, do you only go to those dress down nights? Wouldn’t there be other nights where dress down is optional or does the dress down appeal more to you but you don’t want to do that? Anyway, slightly off topic there but sorry I don’t know what they have in Melbourne... I have only been to saints and sinners
5 years ago
We've not been to clubs in Melbourne, but have heard good things about the Melbourne-swingers events at Wet on Wellington and Bay City, shed 16 maybe not so for what you're looking for. I think they're all owned by the same people, but obviously all shut atm! They advertise on here when things are up and running.
Neither Rabbit Hole in Adelaide or OSS in Sydney would expect you to dress down. OSS in Darlinghurst has a policy of not going upstairs into playrooms dressed, which I completely understand. Swingers are social creatures, so chatting in bar areas if that's where your comfort level is will be respected. I've only heard complaints about asking people to dress down coming from private parties (only a few). The people that run clubs and events will be more than happy to answer your questions, just reach out to them. It's very much in their interest to make single women feel as comfortable as possible!
Good luck, hopefully some Melbourne people will drop in!RHP User
5 years ago
We have been to clubs and parties in Melbourne and the dress down is usually optional. We don't wait for everyone else to start as we are normally the first to get happy and gear off, we aren't there to socialize for hours and drink until we get game. We turn up to enjoy nakedness and bodies against us as long as we are comfortable all playing agree.
You will see these advise in the events section on here.
Hope you all enjoy.
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