M51 F49
Don’t show me your dick when I’ve said no!
May 30 2022
Have a little dignity guys.
No does mean no. So frustrating! Blocking a lot recently…
3 years ago
It's like this...I see they're proud of their cocks, just like a cat that brings a dead mouse to my door, all proud and shit.
Reality is, I ain't touching that!
Hope you have reported them for sending unsolicited dicks pics. If not they'll get away with it. Sometimes it not the guys sending, it's the people who accept them and think it's o to do so. They need to be accountable too. So therefore the guys think it's OK to send to the next person. A never ending cycle which happens not just here, but everywhere.
Ms FoxyFlirty2020
3 years ago
It’s akin to the proverbial flasher in the park mentality.
Their final way of slapping you in the face. An instant turn off and block.
Most probably been watching too much porn.FeistyFatty
3 years ago
Amen Sista🙏. I can't believe they think that's actually going to sway someone's decision lol. Blocking a RIDICULOUS amount lately. Been on RHP a very long time and the last 12 months have seen a major decline in the "quality" of the membership. Very thankful for already established networks and connections.
3 years ago
So gross
So prolificSawadee
3 years ago
Im the proud owner of a cock ' but no one ever gets to see it until the time and mood is right. Never have i sent anything to anyone on here or anywhere else. I just dont get it ? Most cocks look pretty much the same , some bigger , some smaller , some neat , some ugly ? ... but in your face ?
RHP User
3 years ago
Often accompanied by " Just look at what you could have had" 🙄 Wilted spinach comes to mind with some of the worst pics.
Just rude.RHP User
3 years ago
Imagine being hit up at a bar and saying no thanks a few times and then they whack their dick out. It’s just so wrong… it shouldn’t be any different online?!
If I want to see your dick, I’ll tell you. Otherwise keep it in your dacks.RHP User
3 years ago
Why do most guys to send a dic pic? They are all the same. Just size that varies. Does nothing for me.
3 years ago
Unfortunately with these guys it's literally their best asset... or they could bend over and show you their true selves :p
RHP User
3 years ago
Like the old famous Rex mossop said many years ago… I’m sick of male genitalia being shoved down my throat day after day after day !
Love ya work moose !RHP User
3 years ago
I just block and delete lest they score the wrath of Ms PF and have their pesky Penises shrivel up and die.
3 years ago
They are into humiliation.
3 years ago
I'm surprised that the human race has survived this far with the behaviour of what seems like a large proportion of straight men.
RHP User
3 years ago
Iam lock up too , who are interested to control all my life
3 years ago
I hear stories of guys getting obsessed with some women and cannot take the word NO. Who on earth wants to be with someone who dislikes them. As for the DP... never have or will.
3 years ago
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