Does true love exist?

November 22 2023

Men are looking for pussy, simple as that, is true love existing or just a man made concept to drive productivity for human society?


  • MrandMrsEss


    a year ago

    Of course it does and of course in so many forms. True love of family, friends and then the romantic kind. Love of places, possessions, art, music, more.
    Of course often we are chasing our tails or something leading us away from our true loves but it exists.

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Hmmm, interesting theory 🤔. Have you been "unlucky in love"?
    I certainly believe in "True Love".... Well my version of it anyway. I've been with my Husband since we were 13 years old. He is my greatest treasure in life and I cherish him completely. We are passionate in all things, including arguing (lets face it, we all do that if we're honest). He is my number one in all areas of my life, and vice versa..... Except Golf and boating..... A line needs to be drawn somewhere 😉

  • LetMePleaseYou


    a year ago

    True love is absolutely achievable. I adore my partner. I'm here as she has difficulty with bi polar, depression, anxiety etc.
    It's a way out for me.
    She wears her heart on her sleeve but wouldn't have her any other way. Except the anxiety thing it's so hard.
    You know when they are " the one"

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    No fairytales exist.

    Soul mate love comes from loving what they are not which takes time to understand. Knowing what value you bring, how you support them, how you free them and make them the best they can be.

    It’s cool once you get there but it takes soul searching and some extreme levels of vulnerability.

    That’s my experience.

  • Margo_Lover


    a year ago

    I think in this world of almost unlimited options, it's far more difficult to find true love.

    But true love isn't something magical, finding the one in a million, or billion.

    It's finding the one who's prepared to work as hard as you are to make a relationship wonderful. Keeping it alive through all the shitty times 🥰

    Few are prepared to do the hard work these days.

    - Alex

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    yeah but pussy is a pre-requisite

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    Why does this "true Love" business have to involve the opposite sex, or involve people being in a committed relationships or always involving sexual activities to mate?
    It doesn't!
    Why can't a single person ever be mentioned, how they too experience true love with others?
    Isn't it about the feeling of self love and having the freedom to have loving kind relationships with various people? One doesn't have to have sex to experience love.

    Ms Foxy

  • nightingale8


    a year ago

    I truly love great shoes. Got some beautiful ones. Got my most cherished, my unicorn. Got ‘enough’. Still looking…

    I don’t think *I’m* more productive because my love is true, but I do spend a lot.

    Oh right, we’re talking about men!

  • Patrick2510


    a year ago

    I believe in true love, your profile says you want a sugar daddy so perhaps your intentions might suggest otherwise

  • Swede712


    a year ago

    It comes down to what you’re after, do you want someone you just get along with, someone that shares in your interests or someone you can’t help but think about every chance you get.
    It’s subject to interpretation but personally I do believe it’s possible, albeit more difficult for some and easier for others to come by.

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    We have sex to reproduce or to have fun with.. Yes ' we do like pussy , but in my case that pussy needs to belong to someone lm attracted to... lve been in both positions where l have had sex for fun or to reproduce and l adored both although if its to reproduce l need more than a casual friendship... Being a bit of a romantic l tend to believe true love does exist ' but just dont believe it can last forever...

  • driver45672


    a year ago

    It does for sure, it's a bond of trust and endearment that keeps growing. For me it's like I'll feel this person is to good for me, but they keep showing signs of support and love for me back, and it's a magical thing when you get that.

    I would also say, just below maybe 35 are still mostly going to be driven by hormones, so it's much hard to find the ones that are interested in staying around. It's perhaps trial and error at that age... or date up

  • EarthQueen


    a year ago

    I do think its idealised and partially man made because apart from procreating finding true love is a massive money spinner. Look at wedding culture, movies, pop culture, advertising. People want fairytales, they want to believe they have a "twin flame" or soulmate out there somewhere and we are taught if we don't have that, it's sad or somethings missing. I've been in romantic love twice. It was good and bad. It's great to feel loved , it also horrible to feel let down, betrayed or lied to. But that's human nature and many relationships won't last forever and theres dark and light in every one of them. You can often see the best and worst of people in your partner.

    Also, men will look for pussy but plenty of them want love as well. Sometimes they confuse the two.

  • Oysterman


    a year ago

    You are going to pat many a dog before you find the perfect lassie !

  • RachWandered


    10 months ago

    The idea of one true love is ridiculous. Like the idea that the only way to have a loving satisfying relationship is to be exclusively attached. Modern conversations like marriage have their origins in contract
    Developed in times when women were chattel …
    But there’s nothing wrong with being ridiculous or wanting something ridiculous.
    Does it exist? I would die for my kids… give up my personal happiness and freedom so they have a chance of finding happiness
    Ridiculous but true

  • RachWandered


    10 months ago

    I hate typos
    *modern conventions not conversations…

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 months ago

    Love does exist and it can be found. There will always be some guys who just want to get notches on their belts. I have met a few women exactly the same.
    My personal opinion is that most guys are reluctant to make a commitment which they themselves actually have doubts about. It seems that most women want to have some degree of commitment before sex. A lot of guys will lie about that commitment just for the sex. They will then move on anyway.

    I believe love will find you when it does. In the meantime, meet others and if there is a connection then enjoy that connection for whatever time period it may be. Go out have fun, enjoy sex and life willwork out with lot less heartaches.
    Nudity, sex and love are 3 different things. Yes they can be combined in all sorts of ways, but just enjoy yourself.