Does sending unsolicited dick pics actually work?

February 01 2024

Asking for a friend.
How many guys send dick pics....and how many responses do you get from those photos.
Ladies.....does a dick pic help you make up your mind to message a man back.???
Would be interested in people's responses.


  • ppiffle3934


    a year ago

    Yes if a guy sends me an unsolicited dick pic it definitely makes up my mind not to reply!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    On balance, unless one is a self-confessed size queen, the size of many anatomical parts plays minimally into the overall experience.

    I have no nude photos or galleries and if asked to send one I would say no. But now we reach the crux of the issue - 99% of women would not request one anyway according to the forums at least. So that by inference answers your query.

    But this is my opinion of my male experience with about 10 years on and off the site. It's highly probably I could be totally misreading the situation.

  • Kokoflamingo


    a year ago

    Its a No from me. I like to meet the man first before I decide if Ill be interested in his dick.

  • Felicitous


    a year ago

    Speaking from my own perspective.

    Lots of guys do send unsolicited dick pics... I find the majority though (in my experience) do so after they've been declined.

    It definitely helps to validate that there's no chance for compatibility. I won't re-engage ..
    simply block.

  • Flirty2020


    a year ago

    Sending unsolicited penis photos on here, is actually against RHP site rules & community standards. It is also against the law.

    Prior consent is vital.

    If we receive an unsolicited penis photo, we report to admin and then block said profile

  • Flirty2020

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Works perfectly for me..... Instant block..... Saves me oodles of time.

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    a year ago

    I am a woman and i'm guessing men send these pictures because it makes them feel good, turned on.

    And they don't give two fucks about the recipient.

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    Sending dick pic's are usually sent by totally self centred guys who make it bad for everyone ...

    Unwraping a surprise is a far better way than shoving your dick in someones face..

    Guys ' listen up ! The ladies keep telling you and you dont listen...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    The point has been well made by previous women posters that the majority of dick pic senders are doing it for their own gratification and I am certainly not going to question that reality. I can however attest that taking the camera to my genitals is the one thing that started to turn my fortunes around on here. So I'd guess it depends a lot on the execution, and the dick.

    But if we are going to your question 100% literally and strictly include the "unsolicited" part then no, don't be ridiculous and this has to be a troll. Learning to treat consent as the overriding principle in sexual relations and upholding it as sacrosanct was the thing that took my fortunes on here to a whole new level.

  • Margo_Lover


    a year ago

    Never ever send unsolicited dick pics. If a lady wants them, she will ask.

    Some ladies like dick pics and ask for them, most don't.

    Margo (my wife) has had endless dick pics sent, or galleries with dick pics shared.

    She typically blocks the idiots who send that stuff.

    - Alex

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Probably! I've never sent one and I get ghosted all the time. So I'm thinking with no dick they won't click. The girls are here for one thing and one thing only after all

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I asked Abi about this last night…

    “Honestly, when I get a photo of a nice looking one then I’m happy to see it. Doesn’t mean I’ll pay any attention to its owner. But don’t often see many that I find attractive.”

    I imagine it’s much like for guys when we see women with photos of their ass crack or cleavage as their profile photo.

  • 53SexyandSingle


    a year ago

    If I receive an unsolicited dick pic it’s an instant block for me … and as already stated above, usually I receive them after I have politely said no thanks to the guy … Honestly not sure why a guy thinks sending an unsolicited dick pic will change my mind. I’m actually more interested in getting to know the man attached to the dick, rather than the dick attached to the man !!

  • countrytouch82


    a year ago

    There's a whole bunch of Dick pics on this site :)

    Some Dicks might be seen as better looking than others. Sometimes it's about the way photos are taken too. It's not necessarily the case that if you've seen one Dick, you've seen them all.

    On another note, if you are one of these people or another "Richard", it's going to be really hard not to send a Dick pic.

  • Alexis


    a year ago

    In my experience it only works if you paint the area around it to look like an elephant and the penis is the trunk part. Other than doing that, I've never had any success.

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    a year ago

    Here at “Acronyms-R-Us”, we would like to remind all Pie Peeps that “Dick-pic” is simply an expansive form of our original definition ‘DIC-PIC’ stemming way back to 2014.
    As members will no doubt remember ‘DIC-PIC’ was first ascribed as having a “Demonstrated Inability (to) Comprehend People’s Insistence (on) Consent”, and it would appear that little has changed over time.
    Much could also be said of that other much loved acronym ‘FACE-PIC’ which as you all know is attributed to (and often results in) the “Final And Conclusive End (to) Potentially Impending Coitus”.

    Yours faithfully,
    Marjorie P Blomfield
    Senior Editor

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    I have the answer ? When someone sends a dick pic ' it must be accompanied with a pic of the owners face ?

    I wonder how many of the serial senders would ? My guess , not many...

  • Yellowpenguins


    a year ago

    I mean , you'd think it must work sometimes with the amount that do it😏 got one straight off the bat the other day with a ' nice ' little video approach 🙄

  • MistyRow


    a year ago

    A guy that focuses on his own body holds no interest to me

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    a year ago

    Hello everyone,
    It’s George Pappadupolous from the National Fruit Retailers Association here, and I advocate that RHP should add an algorithm into its operating system that automatically converts all dick-pics into images of fruit and vegetables.
    Based on the information provided on the sender’s profile regarding their stated endowment, and the help of the latest AI technology, the image of said penis would seamlessly be converted to an image of the most appropriate type of fruit or vegetable.
    This would have the benefit of protecting the sensibilities of the recipient, whist at the same time help promote the fruit and vegetable industry, leading to an uptake in consumption and better health outcomes for the nation.

    After all, who doesn’t enjoy a nice banana, or cucumber, or indeed a good watermelon (for those who are so inclined).

    Kindest regards,
    George. 🍆

  • countrytouch82


    a year ago

    Do it the old fashioned way and use snail mail to send your dick pics. You even get parcel tracking, and requirement for a signature on delivery. All to ensure they are not just simply ignored and deleted like all the others 😎

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I’m a lady in a relationship who plays solo for time to time . IF I don’t get send dic pics IM NOT INTERESTED! The vanilla chicks not looking for that on a site like this can go get screwed in my opinion 🤮

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Legit , naughty woman want to see Petey hehe 💋💋😈

  • Hungry_bastard


    a year ago

    It's been fascinating reading the responses to this question. So much assumption by so many....I love the banter.

    I love getting flap snaps...makes me horny asf. I love trolling the profiles of near and distant strangers, perving on their pics. I love lingering on titty and butt shots, and those barely covered pussies, mmmmm.

    Now, before you reply and scream at me 'BUT THEY'RE COVERED' or 'THEY'RE NOT UNSOLICITED BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO LOOK BY CLICKING ON THEM'. I get that, but here's the thing, it seems women know exactly that's what a guy wants otherwise why so many profiles with barely covered body parts? And why so many couple profiles with only Mrs titties, ass and flaps half hanging out, with no hint of Mr?
    Clearly the assumption is that's what sells a profile.

    So here's my assumption...could said guys who send unsolicited dick pics think that's what you want to see? Could they have misunderstood, by assumption of what so many profile pics display, what is expected from this site? Could said guys not be self absorbed, just uneducated?

    For what it's worth, I don't send any pics, face, nude or anything more than what's on my profile until asked. I do wonder, however, where the line is between unsolicited full nudity and unsolicited barely covered nudity, and if that's where part of the problem least for those that have misunderstood RHPs purpose?

    Now unleash the rant 😉

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Got what I expected.
    Ladies.....would prefer not to get them or asked if they would like them.
    Guys......."'s my dick"
    Actually surprised no one posted a dick pic just because.......
    Topic to be deleted asap

  • BubblyBlonde


    a year ago

    Let’s add another perspective-

    Sender at their own risk. By sending a dick pic up front you’re gambling that it’s exactly what she wants and there’s no vibe or connection prior to make her overlook things she may not love.

    Circumcised vs Not
    Hairy vs Shaved
    Big vs Small
    Shape, cleanliness etc

    Some over these things might be overlooked if there’s already a connection and she feels it’d be fun regardless. Example a large penis might not deter her if she feels like you’re a respectful man who will listen to her if it hurts. Or a smaller size you’ve turned her on by telling her how you’d use it effectively, her curiosity is aroused and she’ll go there.

    Good luck to men taking the gamble. Comments show it doesn’t pay off all that much.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Dicks pic senders are effectively scammers. Scammers don't care if they have to send 10 thousand emails to get one person gullible enough to give their banking/personal details over to them. Dick pic senders don't care if 99 women delete or ignore their 'pride and joy' if 1 in a hundred gives a response. Except unlike scammers, whose tactics just make you hate all scammers, dick pic senders often result in lowering the opinion of all guys here, whether the send unsolicited pics or not.

  • Kerry77


    a year ago

    Auto delete from me too…

  • genericgerry205


    a year ago

    I prefer to see someone's dick before we even engage really but I prefer to ask for the photo and men should be prepared to be blocked if they send an unsolicited pic and I don't like it....if I do like it, there's a margin of chance that you can bring the connection back on track with your words. But guys, get real. Keep it in your pants and your photo reel until your asked!

  • Machariel

  • FunNightsAheadJJ


    a year ago

    As a male I can whole heartedly say that Dicks don't photograph well and I highly doubt sending unsolicited dick pics is going to capture interest from anyone.

  • couplefourfun


    a year ago

    It’s a good question and as a girl actually it’s nice to see dick pics but as a soft swing couple it’s best to send a nice body pic

  • GuidoNlilBentley


    a year ago

    Only if it’s decent

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    As a male I even get cock shots and to be fair some of them are definitely impressive but most of the time it just shows lack of commitment to the cause!

  • jackont54


    a year ago

    Dick picks. I only send them if either I am asked for them or I have offered and the answer is a clear yes.

  • SpecialKsyd


    a year ago

    Depends on the a) the dick and b) the man it’s attached to. I can guarantee you if he’s young, hot, fit, validated and verified with a well hung, beautiful cock, it is far less likely to cause such “offence”. In saying that, those men know what they’ve got up their sleeve and ask, or wait to be asked, first.

  • EroticTouch24


    a year ago

    Never sent a dick pic in my life….sure, love occasionally getting on cam and having a play, but it’s about the whole body and how it reacts to erotic stimulation, not just your cock.

  • AtLastYouAreHere


    a year ago

    I have sent 2 dick pics to women. One was a picture of a rooster and the other a picture of Donald Trump!

    I think that many men have a real issue expressing emotions. Maybe they were raised to think that being open about their feelings is a sign of weakness. Maybe they are scared of opening up and being rejected. So perhaps the "dick pic" is some men's awkward, sledge hammer way of saying "I like you and this is the only way I have of expressing it - my cock!" Kinda like the interflora slogan "say it with flowers" - "say it with dick"!

  • iamthecowgodmoo


    10 months ago

    I only have a tease in my profile pic. I don't send the unsheathed version, unless asked. Even then, it would only be exposed to those who I would consider actually meeting. On the other side, there are people who just message me and asked for pics straight off the bat. No previous conversation, no offer of their PG. Just "Can I see your pics?". I generally just delete or block them without reply.