Does it work?
January 08 2019
In one case, it was one bloke with what seemed an unhealthy influence over a group of women slightly younger women. It fell apart because no one trusted each other.
In the other case it was basically a couple but the chick had other dudes round. That lasted until the guy realised what had been plain on his face the whole time - he hated the idea of sharing.
Does anyone know any success stories? Life long relationships sort of thing?
- Posted from rhpmobile
6 years ago
I know of at least one long term, a few not as long term and many many more short term or still looking.
Harder than finding a unicorn.
So many looking for the poly setup but there are so many different expectations of people. Lets face it, there is challenges in making a standard relationship work, even more in open relationships. Three or more people entwined in a poly relationship and it goes off scale where an ordinary disagreement or wrongly matched idealism can rock the foundations of everyone related to the relationship/s
I don't pretend to know all about it as it's something l could never entertain. Respect for those that try it but it's a rocking horse poo searchRHP User
6 years ago
Rocking horse poo search is my new saying. Thank you for your insight and the catchphrase.
6 years ago
Several of my friends are in long-term poly relationships, some with kids and all. Kudos to them, I have a lot of respect for how they share their love and all the practical details, as well as the equality and communication within the relationship(s).
Not for me personally (I'm not a people person and can barely cope with one partner, let's face it), but !House_of_Fun
6 years ago
Rocking Horse Poo...
Thanks for ruining another night's sleep, Annie.RHP User
6 years ago
In my case and my wife's case it's simply a matter of loving more than one other person, separately.
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